Monday, September 14, 2009

Board and Batten Tutorial

Someday when we build a new house, I would love one of the rooms to have a board and batten wall (or two). Look how elegant, sophisticated and beautiful it is. A Soft Place to Land has an amazing tutorial on how to do this in your home. The good news is that this is reasonable in price to complete!!!!


  1. I want to do this three quarters of the way up in my dining room, with a deep, rustic orange paint over that! Thanks for sharing the tutorial.


  2. I love this look....I am going to have to do this one day!

  3. Love the new blog design! Thanks so much for the support in our adoption.....good to have as much as possible :)

  4. Oh awesome, I am honored to be featured coming up! I'll be sure to grab the button and again thanks for stopping by!


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