Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Framed Tray & Bean Mosaics

There are so many uses for frames! Don't ever throw one out:) Here is another beautiful use for frame. Make it into a stylish serving tray! Or decorate a table by placing other treasures on top of it. This idea was found at Creative Jewish Mom. (Unfortunately, the link doesn't go straight to this post for Aug 12, 2009.)

Or maybe you will like this frame tray found at Shanty2Chic. Use it in the bathroom to hold supplies. This is another beautiful tray from Shanty2Chic.

She also reminds me of making pictures from pinto beans when I was a girl. Her bean mosaics are pretty - something I would actually want to hang on my wall. Doesn't this make you want to regress into childhood and make bautiful artwork with beans?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting and your nice comments regarding my spray painted live flowers. I'm honored to be featured.


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