Friday, September 11, 2009

Man Crafts and Decorating

How often is it possible to find "crafts for men?" Unless it involves woodworking, men just don't seem to be interested! I've found four creative projects that the men in your life might actually enjoy. Check them out!!! If you have any "man crafts" or "man decor," link to it at the bottom of this post so we can all be amazed!!!
First, how adorable, I mean, manly is this baseball flag - made from real baseballs and bats. Not only is it somewhat manly, but it is gorgeous for us ladies! First Comes Marriage has the crafty husband we can all be jealous of. Would your man be interested in that? Probably!!!

Next, your man could make this functional, yet crafty picnic table that you can take apart easily and load in the car. Take to reunions, parties, craft venues, or the park. I found this at Bloggin' It and she includes a link to Family Fun where it was originally found. A man could and WOULD do this!!!

Additionally, why wouldn't your man want to make this creative sprinkler for the family to run through during summer. Found at Family Fun via Bloggin' It! I think this qualifies for a man craft, don't you?And last, but not least, Mommy of M's has decorated her house with football season in mind. Most husbands would love to have flags, balls and reminders of his favorite team/sport all over the house. How fun!!! I've got the list started. Hopefully, some of you have some "man craft" or decorating to share with the rest us!!!


  1. Oooh! I actually do have a mancraft! I'll hurry up and finish my post so I can linky!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Love the baseball ball flag!!!!!!!!!! awesome!

  3. My hubby would LOVE the baseball flag, too, but there's no way he would be interested in making it himself. He takes out the trash and cleans the garage, so I won't complain about his lack of crafting. :)

    These really are great ideas, though!

  4. Hello,

    Thanks for the post. Cool projects.

    I'd like to, as politely as possible, strongly disagree with your assertion about men not being interested in crafts, unless they involve wood. I love woodworking, but I also work with paper, I knit, I paint, I sew, I work with metal and clay, etc. I'm way more crafty than my girlfriend and I hear from dozens of other guys every week who are the same way.

    While it's true that the handmade movement is mostly made up of women, there are lots men out there and the number is growing everyday.

    Thanks for the great blog!

  5. I like the table! That would be great to have. The sprinklers are fun too. My bro-in-law made one out of PVC pipe like that, but he made it into a kid car wash. He made it into a box and hung rag strips from one side. The kids had a blast. Thanks for the manly crafts:)

  6. Those are great ideas! My Mr. DIY has no interest in crafts but he does do the cooking! ;)


  7. With a house of boys these ideas are great! I love the baseball flag. I linked to these on my blog: 4growingboys.blogspot. Thanks for great guy friendly projects!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!