Thursday, September 24, 2009

Princess Castle

What little girl wouldn't want a princess castle? What little boy wouldn't want to be a knight to a princess in a castle? Look at the castle Mommy Words built out of cardboard boxes. You can do this too!

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  1. It would have been cute to make the windows stain glass. I did a project for church once and we got different colors and then used masking tape on the back side, taping together 2 pieces, leaving the middle between them the sticky tape and continued with each piece till we had our design shape. We then turned it over and went over the tape from the front-giving the metal look between the each piece of stained glass.It is best if you use the silver tape on the front. Wah-la a stained glass window.


  2. Awww I bet she's thrilled!

    I have a linky party going on over at my place, check it out!

  3. Love the trash to treasure tranformation! Thanks for featuring me! Stop by for a visit sometime!

  4. Wow! That is a great transformation! I bet your princess is thrilled!

  5. Just wanted to check and see if you received the e-mail (one persons is showing in my sent box but they never recvd it) and would be able to do the post for me?



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