Monday, September 14, 2009

Rain Gutter Bookshelves As Wainscoating

You've seen raingutter bookshelves here, but now see them as the wainscoating atop beadboard. Amazing. LOVE IT!!! The Stories of A to Z decorated this room so functionally, unique and beautifully!


  1. Hello? Brilliant. Cute and functional: two things on my favorite list.

    Right below naps, of course.

  2. Super cute for a playroom! Thinking about turning the room above our garage into a playroom - will definitely use this idea. Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

    Hugs -


  3. Adorable! I could definitely do that in the nursery! We already have wainscoating in there!

  4. That is really cute!

    I'm having a paint party soon, feel free to check it out!

  5. I love this idea! Am wondering how it could be used in other rooms... hmmm.....


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