Thursday, October 8, 2009

100 Things To Do With T-Shirts

I know you have at least 100 t-shirt laying around your house! What to do with them all is the question I often have? Hide Your Arms has compiled a picture list of 100 ideas to make or do with your t-shirts, many linked to tutorials. There are shirt refashions, dresses, skirts, bags, belts, rugs, quilts, etc. These are a few of my favorites:

You will have to go to this post to find out what these ideas are and how to make them. (I'm tired and want to go to bed.) For more ideas on re-using and re-styling t-shirts, go to my t-shirt archive HERE.

I know you have some re-using t-shirt posts on your blog. Link to them here so we can share in the t-shirt fun!!!!


  1. Michelle,

    I just LOVE your site! Such a wonderful compilation of just about every craft possible!! I will definitely be a frequent visitor :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. Thanks for sharing all the t-shirt ideas! I've been saving my daughter's favorite t-shirts. Once she is a teenage I thought that I would make a quilt out of them.

  3. Thanks for visiting me! The leaf craft is soooo much fun! Your kids will have a blast making them.

    I'll have to take a close look at the t-shirt ideas! My daughter is 11 and is trying to do different things with her t-shirts! I have made a few reusable bags out of some shirts that she out grew. They turned out really cute!



Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!