Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gift Bow from Phone Book Page

Here is a "green" craft that will come in handy when wrapping those Christmas presents (or birthday presents or any kind of presents). At How About Orange, you can learn to make a bow from a page of a phone book. I imagine you could also use cute scrapbook paper or magazines too. Don't you like the Chicago map bow? To learn how to make these, go HERE.

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  1. What a great idea! I think this would be so fun to really personalize gifts.

  2. Sheer perfection! I've been thinking that I was following you - but I guess I wasn't. I am now though - so I won't be missing any more of this fabulousness! I'm heading back to check out what I missed ... hope you'll find time to stop by my place soon!

  3. That's really cute! I'm going to go check that out! Thanks for the tip.

  4. Ummm WOW!!! I'm stoked. Thank you so much!


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