Saturday, October 17, 2009

Goregous Ruffly Waffle Shirt

Pretty is an understatement!!! This ruffly waffle shirt is absolutely, positively gorgeous!!!! I want matching ones for my daughter and me! You must see more pictures of this shirt and the tutorial HERE. You should thanks Disney at Ruffles and Stuff for this one!

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  1. Hey Michelle. Thanks for sharing this one. I think I'm gonna make some for my Granddaughter if I can find them that cheap. I'll tell Disney you sent me.
    Hugs...Tracy :)

  2. Hey!! Thank you so much for the link and kind words!! I'm so glad you liked the shirt. I was pretty excited about it myself! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!

  3. You're just tooooo crafty! This looks great! :) I'm emailing this to my friend Allison! :) Hope you can check out my blog soon, the first of the many interior shots of the house now that I'm having better luck with my camera. The first of the series is up now!


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