Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Onesie Dress

This would look cute on any little girl or be perfect for a baby shower gift. Nori at Love to Create has an amazing tutorial on how to make this onesie dress HERE. Gotta love this idea!

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1 comment:

  1. Michelle... OMGoodness. I don't know what to say. Thank you for featuring my Onesie. I keep telling people I'm not a sewer-- so to get this honor?? I'm speechless. After I told my mom about the feature she told me, "guess you can't say you're not a sewer anymore". LOL

    I can't believe I get to be on a post after Disney/Ruffles & Stuff... she's my hero! :)

    I'm not worthy! :) Thanks girl... you made my day.


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