Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Book Page Wreath

Make this intelligent-looking book page wreath to hang in your library! Living with Lindsay has the tutorial HERE. If you have any distasteful books, this is a great way to make them lovely again!!!

For another beautiful wreath made from scrapbook paper, go to Heartland Paper HERE.

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  1. Oh I love this idea! Super cute and it's got great texture!

    Jane @ Finding Fabulous

  2. I saw that the other day and already have my book picked out that I'm going to rip apart!! It's gorgeous! Such a simple, lovely idea.

  3. Oh my goodness...this is gorgeous! I do have a pile of old encylopedias that have been collecting dust. I'm off to go try this out! Thanks!

  4. Gorgeous!! Love this idea!!

    I can't find the comment, but I am pretty sure it was you I told I was wanting to do a brown paper "table cloth" for Thanksgiving so people could color - I did a test run of it for dinner this week when we had 4 friends over for dinner and it was a HUGE hit!! I just posted about it :)

  5. i am making this right now! i have all me paper rolled and glued...im going to watch one more time to make sure i put the paper on the right way...cant wait to see how it turens out!


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