Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wreaths Around The Web

There are a lot of gorgeous wreaths to make out there right now! Have you seen them? Here are some that will make your jaw drop. Do you have any that you would like to link up. If so, I added Mr. MckLinky at the bottom. I'd love to see more. Me likes this fancy feather wreath made from skinny feather boas. Learn how to make them by visiting Just A Girl HERE. Buttons can make an interesting and darling wreath. HERE's a tutorial on Craftapalooza.
Here's a quick ribbon wreath created by The Long Thread. This would look great in orange and browns for fall and stunning in red for Christmas. HERE is the link. This is a different style of ribbon wreath. I love the ribbon used on this one by Home By Sunset. Go HERE to see how to make this one. This is a very cool idea. Make an ice wreath for those cold winter months at Resurrection Fern. Go HERE to learn more and to see other cool ideas for using ice with which to decorate.
Oh, so shiny and pretty! I have a ton of red and green ornaments I picked up on clearance last year. I might make this ornament wreath from Eddie Ross. The instructions are HERE.
Scrapbook paper makes some very cute wreaths. I like this one from The Red Thread. To make this one, go HERE. This is another very colorful and fun wreath from paper HERE.
Why not use those pesky plastic bags to make recycled wreath? My wreath would be mostly white with bits of color from the writing on the bags. Click HERE to learn how to make these from Dabbled.

There are a few more fun one in my archives. HERE is that link.
Linked at Transformation Thursday.

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  1. I love wreaths! Some really great ideas here.

    Thank you for featuring my plastic bag wreath from my guest spot on Dabbled. :0)

  2. That's so funny, I have a group of 5 girls coming over to my house to make burlap wreaths today!! If I have time, I'll take pics and link up. LOVE wreaths!

  3. Thanks for linking to the Dabbled wreath tutorial!
    I've seen them done for the holidays using red/white Target bags!


  4. Those are great ideas, especially with the plastic bags!


  5. I really like the unique button wreath!!

    My show n tell this week is glass, glass antiques. A couple of them. Come by if you can. Have a glorious weekend. Click Here

  6. That button wreath is amazing. I also love the gray ribbon wreath. Very unique.

  7. Oh've taken my breath away at the simplicity of making these. I've added you on my Blog List with the other Crafty Bloggers. I've really enjoyed my time here. Please visit and either grab my button or add me to your blog list so that we can inspire each others creativity.

  8. I love them all, especially the scrapbook paper wreath and the button wreath! Beautiful!

  9. Some of those wreaths are pretty unique, like the ice one! I especially like the button wreath. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Thank you so much for this posting. I am bookmarking this page. There are some wonderful craft ideas for me and my daughters. We homeschool and I am always looking for crafts that are easy and will keep the girls busy! Thank you so much! -April

  11. Such neat ideas---I love the feather boa one and the ornament one- --very pretty!!

  12. Oh, I love, love, love the wreaths. I can't wait to try some myself. Thanks so much for posting the links for instructions.

  13. What great variety to inspire our creativity!

    Thanks for sharing

  14. Great ideas! I especially love the one made of ice-GORGEOUS! Thanks for linking up to Thrifty Thursday!
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  15. OK, you have set my wheels turning. I need a wreath over the mantle and I think I can make a ribbon wreath! Cross your fingers! :)

  16. Thank you for sharing all of these wonderful wreath ideas! The first ribbon wreath is my favorite.


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!