Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easter Advents/Countdowns

If you are one who likes to emphasize the religious reason (Christ) behind Easter, Secrets of a Super Mommy has a great Resurrection egg advent for you - complete with 12 scriptures and an object to represent something about Easter. Go HERE to get the information.

If you want to do an Easter countdown without the religiousity aspect, Eighteen25 has fun activity based eggs. Go HERE to see the activities she is doing. Super fun!!!

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  1. Very cool ideas, I need to make one for my monkey, thanks for showing us her blog.

  2. So cute!!! I will try to make one too.
    Fun Playroom

  3. What a great idea. I've seen something similar but not like this one.

  4. thanks so much for featuring our easter countdown!! so simple.. but so much fun!!


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