Saturday, March 20, 2010

Floating Shelf (And Redoing My Daughter's Room!)

We are in the process of redoing my daughter's room. And by redoing, I mean this!!!!

Yeah. We tore down the lathe and plaster of our 90 year old house so we could insulate it, put in new electrical outlets and put up sheetrock! What a project!!! This is one of the ideas I like for when her room is finished. We may or may not put in floating shelfs, but I REALLY like this. Find out how to do this at Nannygoat. Go HERE!

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  1. YIKES! That's a ton of work! I'm sure it's gonna look fabulous when you're done (and be nice and warm with new insulation). Can't wait to see your 'after' pics!

  2. We did that to our living room a few years ago. It was a lot of work but definitely worth it all :)

  3. Oh that is going to be so cute!!

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  4. Our house was built in 1928, and we are going room by room and redoing it just like y'all. We're doing our bathroom at the moment. I still have my cast iron tub in my bedroom!!! let's say sooo much freakin fun! (yea right) Good luck with your daughter's room!

  5. Wow, you're not messing around!!! It's gonna be fabulous, I'm sure!

  6. What an undertaking! Can't wait to see how it all comes together. I watch remodeling shows on HGtv all the time and love the details. The picture of the room you like is very cute!

  7. Woah!!! THat is some serious remodeling!!! Good luck and I can't wait to see it when it's done!

  8. We did that same thing to my son's room... it seems like I was finding dust FOREVER...but it looks so good now!


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