Sunday, March 28, 2010

Guest Blogger - The Little Green Bean - Burlap Bunnies

I am so flattered that I was asked by Michelle here at Someday Crafts to do a tutorial for my burlap bunnies!
My name is Missy and I have an awesome blog called The Little Green Bean. I do lots of different projects, from sewing to home decor. I'd love to have you come check out my archives.

Here are my 3 favorite posts! This first one is my camera bag, I am so excited about this one, because it is something I made all on my own, no pattern, nothing! And my readers are loving it, which I thank all of you for! You can read the full post here.

My next favorite is another post that was very well recieved and that was my accidental bedroom makover.

I was simply going to paint an old dresser and then this happened! I love when I do that! You can read that full post Here.

And finally my 3rd favorite is

Spring pillows! I had so much fun making these, I used all recycled materials ranging from coffee bean sacks to old kitchen curtains! You can read this post here.

So here goes! I don't really have a pattern, just my own little design.

Supplies I used are burlap, buttons, ribbon, craft ink, paint, container, spanish moss, rice, batting.

Cut out 2 pieces for the body, and 2 for the ears. Sew and/or surge the body, right sides together and turn right side out. Stitch along the outside of the ears, leaving the bottom open. Do not turn, leave the stitched side out.

I then used some craft ink and a sponge to lightly color the inside of the ears.

Next fill the body 1/2 full with rice, and fill the top 1/2 with batting.

Next sew the top shut, then place the open end of the ears over the top of the body and pin in place. Run a zig-zag stitch to hold the 2 pieces together.

Now it is time to paint on the face, use black for the eyes and pink for the nose, once dry outline with a paint marker. Tie a ribbon around the ears to cover up your stitching.

Then add buttons to dress him up. Fill your container with Spanish moss. I like old sweet potato cans, but I found these really cute round boxes at the dollar store, and they are already decorated for spring!

That's it! I hope this was easy to follow along, if you have any questions please contact me.

They are all available at my ETSY shop, I would love for you to stop by my blog too, The Little Green Bean I have all kinds of creations that I have made! Thanks for looking!

When I saw these burlap bunnies (and fell in love) a couple of weeks ago, I looked for a tutorial on The Little Green Bean and couldn't see one. She accepted my invitation to post these on my blog. Since she posted pictures of these a few weeks ago, I have seen numerous burlap bunnies pop up around blog land (inspired by her creation). I have to say these are still the cutest burlap bunnies I've seen. Missy has so many fun ideas at her blog, The Little Green Bean. Go check it out HERE and become a follower so you can be inspired by her more often!!!

Linking to Finding Fabulous, Romantic Home -Show and Tell Friday, Miss Mustard Seed -Furniture Feature Friday, Lit and Laundry - Finished For Friday, The Inspired Room, Remodelaholics Anonymous, Poppies At Play - Creative Cats , Crafts In Bloom, Kojo Designs - Friday Fun Finds, Fingerprints on the Fridge - Feature Yourself Friday. The Girl Creative - New Friend Friday, That's So Cuegly - Craft Concoction

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  1. Bunny is so cute! I love the camera bag the most!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  2. Great crafts! You are very creative to make the cute bunny, and the camera bag without a pattern!

    The bedroom re-do is fabulous!


  3. Lovin' the bunny!
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D

  4. Love the bunny tutorial!!! He is adorable! And so easy to make!!! Your other projects are wonderful...that camera bag is fantastic!!!

  5. So cute! I love that you inked it, what a great idea!

  6. I love Missy's blog. She is so creative. I am in love with that camera bag! Great tutorial!


  7. That bunny is adorable. I think I have some spare burlap leftover from Halloween, so this might be my next project!

  8. Sooooo cute. This bunny is just adorable. Thanks for sharing.

  9. adorable! I'm really loving burlap right now! Dropping by from That's so Cheri... Hope to see you at my place!

  10. Sweet bunny. Love her bow.

    Hope you'll drop by AtticMag to give JaneT some advice on making a bench from a vintage bed. #81 on Met Monday.


  11. I love burlap anything! It makes such a cute bunny yet not too cutesy :)

  12. Easter is coming such a interesting bunny. Hope it can give me some eggs. Lol

  13. The camera one I saw it on Just a girl as well.

  14. I love burlap bunnies!! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!!

  15. LOVE the bunnies...possibly my fav I've seen thus far!

  16. Oh how cute!

    Stopping by for Hope Studios Tuesday Tutorial Linky party!


  17. Really cute bunny! Looks easy enough to make! Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules

  18. Oh my goodness, he is so cute!! thank you :)

  19. I think they are the cutest I've seen too! Absolutely adorable. Thanks for sharing her blog!

  20. Aw, these are adorable!

    Thank you for linking this to A Little Craft Therapy with Life in the Pitts.

  21. So darned cute!!! Loved how it turns out and the tutorial is an excellent plus!!!

    My Show n Tell Easter

    Have a great, peaceful and wonderful Easter weekend.

  22. Oh gosh that is just way too cute! Thank you for showing us how we can create one too. :o)
    Sincerely ~ Trish

  23. I love these, very cute and they look easy to do. Thanks for sharing!

  24. I LOVE those bunnies! How adorably cute. My little girl would love it...mommy (me) would love it! Great job!

    Partying with you tonight.

    Happy Easter

  25. I LOOOOOVE Missy's bunnies! I've featured them before too. :)

    Thanks for linking this up to SNS!
    FJ Donna

  26. they re so cute!!!

  27. I'm a new Saturday Follower! Visit me at and sign up for my newest giveaway!

  28. Very nice! I love the bunny.

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another wonderful party!!

    Please stop by next week I am having guest over each day and I would love for you to tell them HI!

  29. I just LOVE that little bunny! You are just so creative :)

  30. okay that's just too cute! thank you so much for linking this up!

  31. what a cute bunny. i can not wait to look at your other posts.


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!