Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lucky Crafts and Pinch Proof T-Shirt

If you have the game of Scrabble, you are in luck for many crafts. This one is one of the favorite Scrabble uses I have seen. Make this Lucky craft by visiting Lulu's Tiles HERE.
I want a "Pinch proof" shirt - especially since I work in a school. I get pinched all day long (regardless of whether I green or not.) Go see this shirt HERE and check out the back of it at Lulu's Tiles again!
Make all four of these centerpieces at Lulu's Tiles. Don't they all look amazing together. Go HERE for the shamrocks on sticks, HERE for the Irish tile, and HERE for the bottle wrap.

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  1. LOVE that t-shirt! Too cute.
    Thanks for visiting the other day. Thanks for hosting, too.
    If you ever want to try one of my painting tutorials, let me know! They're for any ability level.
    See you next week!

  2. Michelle,

    Thanks so much for the feature! I LOVE your blog by the way!

    Lulu's Tiles


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!