Thursday, March 25, 2010

Who Are You Going To Fool? (Updated)

April Fools Day is coming soon. What do you plan on doing? I have yet to decide, but I've seen a few really cunning and fun ideas. I have found 3 posts on April Fools Day ideas. They have some ideas in common and some that are different. Check out all four and decide who you are going to fool and how!!! Because I would love to see more ideas (and probably some of you want to see more) I will add a linky. Feel free to link you idea to share or if you don't have a post up, leave it in the comments. The more, the merrier!!!!

Check out Texas Monkey's ideas HERE.

Go HERE to see Love, Actually's ideas.

The Idea Room has some more clever food ideas HERE.
Click HERE to see additional pranks at Tip Junkie.


  1. Great ideas thanks for sharing the links!

  2. Thanks for linking me! Tip Junkie has a collage of clever ideas, too.

  3. I LOVE April Fool's and I am already dying for a good prank, so thank you for this post!

  4. Thank you for linking me and for adding the other's, I love looking at prank ideas, so fun!!!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!