Monday, April 12, 2010

Button Down Shirt Onesies!

HERE is an awesome idea!!! Keept those little guys button down shirts tucked in with this easy to make onesie! How did this not get thought of before now? See the tutorial at I Am Momma, Hear Me Roar. Go HERE. (Found via Ucreate)

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  1. thank you for sharing this idea you found! i wanted to do this when my ds was little, but i was too scared to cut the shirts!

  2. Hi! I am just new to you, but listed you for me to follow...What a great idea! My brother and his wife are having a boy and he will love this!

    Thank you so much

  3. I was just reading back over some of your blog posts and found this. WOW! I am going to do this for my little one. Glad I saw this!! Thanks! Rebecca :)


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