Monday, April 19, 2010

Flip Flop Interventions!

If your kids have a hard time keeping their flip flops on, then this is the perfect solution for that problem. Shannon Makes Stuff shows you how to make an elastic "stay-on" strap. So functional and useful! Go HERE.
In case you missed this interchangeable flip flop idea by Make It and Love It, I am showing it! Buy a pair or two of plain flip flops and dress them up with this easy intervention. People will think you have 10-15 pairs of flips flop! Sweet! Go HERE.

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  1. Great idea! My son is going to have some of these for his flip flops! My daughter will have hers embellished. :)

  2. What great ideas! Thanks for sharing:)

  3. Oh, yes, some of my flip-flops could DEFINITELY use a makeover!

  4. I have to make some of these for my toddler. He was lusting after Lightning McQueen flip-flops, but they didn't have the elastic bit in the back that holds them on. Problem solved!


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