Thursday, April 1, 2010

Globe and Map Decor Balls!

Links are still being added to the giveaway directory and Wednesday party. Go check them out! You know how I love all those decor balls out there! Well, I found two more that rock and you will have to go to this post to see them better. Make a ball that looks like a globe and a map. (I could even see some really cute pictures on balls now that I have seen this post.) See how and see close ups of both of them HERE. Quarry Orchard is guest posting at Fireflies and Jellybeans (who is having her blogoversary).

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  1. Wow, thanks for the feature! I've been stewing about how to make these for months!!
    I found a template of the shape that you need to do this and (at one point) had directions about how to create your own, so you could do photos, etc. I'll see if I can dig it up! I'll need to figure out how to set my printer correctly for that though!

  2. Aww mini-globes, so cute!! Thanks for posting ;)

  3. love the mini globes! very cute and educational too:)


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