Sunday, April 25, 2010

Guest Blogger - Poppies At Play - "Nice Legs" Bench Transformation


I'm Andy

My blog home is called:

I'm so very thrilled to be here on Someday Crafts!

I was super dee-dooper excited when I got an invitation from Michelle. As I'm sure you know, Michelle is so sincere and generous. Her comments make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside right?! Yep, she pretty much rocks.

Thanks for giving me this fun opportunity Michelle!

First I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself. If that's too boring feel free to jump down to the project of the day. That's probably what I would do. Tee hee hee.

Why do I blog?

I have a HUMONGOUS desire to be a creative person. I believe that the best way to achieve that is to practice, practice PRACTICE! If I can create something every day, even if it's just a quick little project I feel very energized! I would love to go to school for interior design and furniture making, but with 5 young kiddos at home and a tight budget, that will have to be put on hold. That's just fine because I have a lot that I can learn while I'm staying home!! Blogging my projects helps to keep me motivated, as well as track my progress!

What do I blog?
I'm drawn to furniture and home decor. I love to restyle, refashion and upcycle!! Even typing those words makes me happy! Sometimes I keep things, sometimes I sell them, sometimes I pile them up in the garage and basement. Here are a few of my

BEFORE and AFTERS (Click on the words)

I love working with wood! My sweetheart, to whom I lovingly refer to as "The Joe", is a shop teacher. We have a wood shop in the garage and he's taught me to try and conquer my fear of power tools! This shop teacher's wife will most likely end up missing a couple of fingers, but in the meantime I'm having a lot of fun!
Well, enough with the jibber jabber and onto the goods!!

I picked up this board in the "as-is" department of Ikea. It was only 5 bones. You could easily find something similar at The Home Depot, but it might cost a little bit more, and probably won't be green.

As much as I love green, it wasn't right for this particular project.
Let's paint it white:

No one likes to sit around and watch paint dry, so let's move on to the other half of the project!

The Joe is a garage sale maniac. Even more so than I am. Every Saturday morning he gets really anxious to get out shopping. He is always finding interesting things to bring home to me that he thinks I'll like. He found 2 of these side tables and even though they were only 5 bucks for the pair, he started walking away. The seller told him to take them both for $3. What the?!?

The top is pretty shredded. Let's just take it off and use the legs.

After taking the screw out, I realized they had glued this sucker on and it wasn't coming off without some serious help. I cut the top off and then straightened the edges with a chop saw.

Now, let's think about design.

I have a lot of polka dots in my front room so I decided make a circle stencils. Yes, this is vinyl, but you don't need a vinyl machine or a cricut for this particular pattern. Just trace a bowl and carefully cut the circles out with a razor blade.

Place the gigantic sticker stencil on the board.

*** Before painting, paint the edges of the stencil with the same color as the board to seal it and avoid having leaky edges.

Attach the board to the side table with wood glue and nails!

Decorate with your favorite whatevers!!
Welp, that's about it for today!

Here's what's coming up next on

Don't miss our Parade of Homes!

20 amazingly bloggers (all well-known) will be opening their doors to us and giving us a tour of their homes! It's going to be AMAZING and I'm sure you'll walk away with a zillion great ideas!! We're featuring 4 blogs a day and by Friday you'll be able to click thru all 20. On the following Saturday {{May 1st}} we'll be having a special linky party. Create a post featuring a favorite room in your home and come join the parade!!!
It's going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!!
Again, thanks so much for having me Michelle!
Peace out!

ANDY, Thank you so much for guest blogging today! I love the legs on that bench!!! Poppies At Play was one of the first furniture and home decor blogs I started following. She is amazing!!!! I don't understand why she doesn't have at least 1000 followers! She is that GOOD! I am inspired weekly by her projects. If you didn't click on her before and afters, click HERE and be motivated to go refinish furniture. Poppies at Play has too many fun ideas!!! I'm so excited to view the Parade Of Homes that is being hosted over their this week! Add Poppies At Play to however you view blogs and become a follower. You won't want to miss out on the next week or on Andy's inspirational restyles!

Linking to: Funky Junk - Saturday Nite Special, Tatertots and Jello - Weekend Round-up

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  1. I love Poppies at Play! Andy did a fabulous job on this. I love the circles. I can't believe she had to take a saw to get that top off! heheheh
    way to go Andy!

  2. This was great redo. I'll have to stop over to Poppies at Play.

  3. I'm in awe of your creativity. Will definitely visit your blog too. All that AND kiddos at home? My gosh!

    Stop by and say hi to us at Atticmag too~!

    Jane T.

  4. What a great Table transformation! I love the white chair, too!

  5. Love it! I am a power tool fanatic. And...I have those pillow covers, too! Target is great, isn't it??

  6. Amazing, Andy! Love it, love Poppies at Play! :)

  7. Very fun transformation! Love the circles & tables legs - makes for a unique side table!! The pillows add a nice pop of colour, and you've styled the whole space well with the mirror and chair. Great job!
    Victoria @ DesignTies

  8. I love both of these blogs! What a cute table too.
    The pillows are awesome - they bring some gorgeous color to the room.


  9. How fabulous that turned out!

    m ^..^

  10. Beautiful! I can't believe I just found your fabulous blog and hers! Im a new follower on both.

  11. HOW FUN! I love this idea! I NEED MORE TABLES!=) Thanks for introducing us to ANDY! I can't wait to stop by her blog and visit. Oh, thanks AGAIN, for stopping by my blog. I appreciate all the support you send my way. You are awesome! I missed the link up for my giveaway last Thurs. SO, I will totally be here next Thursday! Thanks again!

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  12. Amazing!! She is so very talented!

  13. I work a lot with painted furniture and I have that stencil but have never used it. Love your idea though. Thanks for sharing.

  14. You turned trash into treasure. What a wonderful man your hubby is to like yard sales. My hubby would not step foot at a yard sale or thrift store. If it doesn't involve golf or water, he doesn't do it! LOL

  15. Utterly amazing. Beautifully done! TFS!

  16. Thanks so much for all your sweet comments! Thanks again Michelle for having me!

    Much Love

  17. this is seriously genius. it turned out SO cool!

  18. You have outdone your self - Fantastic idea

  19. I am a sucker for curvy table, bench and chair legs, this looks wonderful! Theresa

  20. Andy did such a great job with this table! It is super unique - I just love the legs. Thanks for linking it up to Be Inspired as well!


  21. Andy is AMAZING and sweet! I love the bench!

    Fabulous!! : )

  22. Love Poppies at Play!! You guys rock! You are sooo creative. Greta bench Andy!

  23. I love coming to this blog to find out what creativity is happening. Never disappointed! Great post...great project!

  24. This is a very creative idea! Love it!!


  25. Hi Michelle!

    Thanks for linking up - you are so sweet! That bench is beyond amazing. I LOVE the polka dots. So cute! I want it - lol!


  26. Very cool.

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday! Please join me next week for another great party.

  27. I have an old t.v. console table that I'm going to turn into a bench so this could be added to my list of possibilities!

  28. Those legs are gorgeous! The way you combined the new top with the traditional legs is is so creative. Thanks for linking up, girls!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!