Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter From My Family To Yours!

Happy Easter from my family to yours!!!
BTW, my kids loved the planting the magic beans that turned into these giant lollipop! See the post HERE.
They also love dying Easter eggs and finding them all over the yard. I hope your family had a great Easter day too! We will be opening an empty egg at dinner to represent the empty tomb on our Savior. He Lives!

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  1. Happy Easter Michelle!! Hope you guys have a great day! Love the pics, those little guys are too cute!!!

  2. Love the pictures. It's always fun to have a face to go with the name. Happy Easter to you all. Those kids are so sweet!! Pat.

  3. What a wonderful day! Love the lollipop idea!!!

  4. What a beautiful family, thank you for sharing.

    Happy Easter!
    ~ Jill


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