Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Party Ideas To Try "Someday!!"

I love Wednesdays!  I love to see what you all come up with, you are just soooo crafty!!!  Make sure you check out all of the great posts today and leave lots of sweet, wonderful comments!!!
Did you see this awesome huge jute ball over a plant?  Tracey's Trinkets and Treasures found this and removed the insides and put it over the plant.  What foresight!!!  Make sure you check this out HERE!!!

I just love jute balls!!  I don't love the price of said jute balls!!!  Enter Thrift and Chic Decor she made these cute jute balls out of jute, fabric stiffener, and a water balloon!!  How smart is that!!  I want to be like her when I grow up!!  Make sure you check out all of her awesomely thrifty and chic ideas HERE!!!
Do you have kids?  Do said kids get invited to roughly a billion birthday parties a year??  Over at Lemon Tree Crafts they came up with a great gift that won't break the bank!  Check out these cute little paint can gifts and think of all the possibilities!!  Make sure you check out their adorable blog HERE!!!
And last but not least!  How would you like to take a big bite out of the Earth?  Well if it were made out of Rice Krispie Treats, I might eat the whole thing!!  Over at Amanda's Cooking she made the Earth out of those yummy treats!!  Make sure you go appriciate the Earth and maybe take a big bite out of it as well HERE!!!!!

Don't forget to check out all the great posts and see what you love and what inspires you this week!  Also it is still time to link up to the party!! 
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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks so much for showing off my potted plant idea!!! I don't know if you saw the before with the ugly birds pic....UGLY!!!

  3. What great features! I need some cute filler for a pewter bowl, and I think a couple of jute balls would be just the ticket.

  4. Great ideas, thanks for sharing the links with us!

  5. Thanks so much for the feature!! These are all fabulous, LOVe that wall art! :)

  6. Thank you for featuring our paint cans! I love all these ideas you showed here! Now I must get to work on making some of these! :)


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!