Thursday, May 6, 2010

Diaper Clutches Making My Life Easier!!

Hello everyone!! So I have always been the worst mom. I never want to carry around the diaper bag! I always try to leave it in the car or wherever else I can leave it. So I really NEED a diaper clutch like Small Fry and Co have!! How cute is that?? And I LOOOOVE the fabric!! Make sure you check out this awesome tutorial, she has so many pictures and detailed instructions!! I think even a novice like me could handle this! Make sure you check it out HERE!
And don't forget about the awesome Giveaway Link Party going on! Make sure you link up! It is only open for 24 hours!! And check out what you could win!!

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  1. Oooh! I love this! I'm also guilty of trying to get away with out a diaper bag! :p This is for sure next on my list of things to do! Thanks for the post. :)

  2. nice idea! I'll better share that o my sister for her baby! thanks for sharing!!!
    I'm now a follower... hope you'll follow back!


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