Sunday, May 16, 2010

Guest Blogger - My Repurposed Life - Crib Into Plate Holder!

Hi! My name is Gail. I repurpose. I DIY. I have a little blog called:


A year ago, I barely even knew what a blog was. While surfing the internet I ran across Joys of Home. Her blog not only inspired me to create, but also got me thinking about writing a blog. The rest as they say . . . is history.

I get my stuff wherever I can. I like thrift shopping, but I have a rule . . . nothing over $5.00. I am not a huge fan of going to yard sales, but in a pinch I will. I prefer to pick things up off the curb. Once word gets out that you like junk, it seems like junk finds YOU! I never know when I may pull in the driveway and find stuff, junk, treasures left on my doorstep by friends and family!

I am not a decorator. In fact, I know next to nothing about putting pretties together. My daughter, Jamie, once complained to me that she can’t buy me gifts like other mom’s get (ie scarves and such). I am not a girly girl at all. I would rather be sawing, drilling and nailing something. Enough about me! Let’s get on with a project you’re going to love!


I had some crib ends. I used the legs of these crib ends to make a sweet little table. Notice how the top is a spindle and the bottom is a decorative piece of wood.

I swapped them out, making two identical pieces.

This is the piece I am using for this project.

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I used a jigsaw to remove some of the spindles. I could have cut them in the middle or pulled them out, but I wanted the end pieces to stay put, so I wouldn’t have to fill the holes left behind.

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I proceeded to build a box to fit the crib end.
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I attached the box to the crib end using wood glue and my nail gun.

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The lumber I used for the box and shelves was “cull bin” lumber. (Home Depot) The cull bin is sort of like OOPS in the paint department. It is leftover lumber that people didn’t want. They are sold by colors. These were all painted green on the ends. Green is only paid .51 cents for each board. For this project I used 7 boards for a total of about $3.50.

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I really had no “plan” in place. I sort of just made it up as I went along. After attaching the box, I decided it needed some trim. I added the last board on the top, with it overlapping in the front.

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You can see it a little better in this picture.

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I added some scrap crown molding to the top and the bottom to trim it out.

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Because I’m a “use what you have” kind of girl, I had to piece the crown molding. Do you see that it doesn’t quite match up on this corner? Not one of my best miter cuts, but not to worry. Because I mess up frequently, I know just how to fix such problems.

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I simply sanded it down to smooth it out. Voila! Look at all of those nail holes. They are NOT all mine! Seriously! Look to the right and you will see that I had to use two pieces on the bottom, because I didn’t have a piece long enough.

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If you look closely, you’ll see a nail sticking out. I fondly refer to this as a “blowout”.

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I used some scrap shoe molding to the front of the shelves to make a little lip. This will help keep plates from falling off.

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Here she is all painted up, ready to be adorned with beautiful plates, cups and saucers.

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This is the corner that was not mitered perfectly and the place where I had to have two pieces of trim butt up against each other.

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I chose not to put a back on this pate rack. Okay, the truth is I’m short on supplies! I didn’t have a piece of plywood or bead board large enough to fit the back.

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But I like the wall color showing through.

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These plates are nothing special, just some random plates I had that I used to stage this plate rack.

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I set it on top of my window display cabinet to take pictures.

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However, I think this plate rack would look great hanging on the wall or sitting on another piece.

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I hope you like my newest project.

Please hop on over to my blog, My Repurposed Life and check out some of these great DIY/repurposed projects.

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Fireplace before and after

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Window before and after

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Foot board before and after

I want to thank Michelle for inviting me over! I love Someday Crafts! I have been a follower for quite a while now. I love it every time Someday Crafts pops into my Google reader! I know I’ll never miss a single scrumptious post! Michelle also has a great Link Party on Wednesdays! You rock, Michelle!

Gail, Thank YOU!!!! If you don't know this by now, My Repurposed Life is an amazing blog to stretch your creative mind. Gail is a rockstar of repurposing. I love her transfomations and want to give her my junk so she can turn it into million dollar treasures. I am seriously inspired by her creations. You really should check out My RePurposed Life and find great ways to transform your garbage. GO HERE NOW!!! (And while you are over there, you should become a follower.)

Linking to Finding Fabulous, Romantic Home -Show and Tell Friday, Miss Mustard Seed -Furniture Feature Friday, Lit and Laundry - Finished For Friday, The Inspired Room, Remodelaholics Anonymous, Poppies At Play - Creative Cats , Crafts In Bloom, Kojo Designs - Friday Fun Finds, Fingerprints on the Fridge - Feature Yourself Friday. The Girl Creative - New Friend Friday, That's So Cuegly - Craft Concoction, Sweet Charli

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  1. Wow. I am a loyal My Repurposed Life fan, and it never fails... the stuff Gail 'sees' in a pile of junk, and does just amazes me. I would have never thought of this, and just adore it. She really has a gift for upcycling!

  2. I love to see all of Gail's 'inventions'--she is a bottomless pit of creative repurposing ideas.

    This plate rack is such a great addition to a table top or credenza...just love it.

  3. I love the plate rack. She always comes up with such amazing project outcomes.

  4. cute...or a book holder for the growing toddlers room. Hmmm!

  5. This is amazing! Going to check out your blog...

  6. Oh my! She's done it again. Love how Gail takes virtually nothing and makes it into something fabulous! I'm a longtime fan of hers.
    Now I'm off to check out this blog!


  7. This is really a great transformation. With all the recalls, I see so many crib rails on the side of the road. Great idea and execution!

  8. Simply amazing! I can't wait to go check out her blog! How inspiring is that!


  9. great idea! I love it!


  10. Wow! What a great way to re-use a crib! I love the spindles. They give it such a nice look. Great job!

  11. Oh wow! I adore this project. What a wonderful metamorphosis.

    Please stop by and see my project. It only took 23 years to complete.

  12. Holey moley, this is awesome! I am totally impressed!

  13. Wow what a great project!! I can't believe that it used to be a crib

  14. We are all impressed at how your brain works! You are very creative! Great job!!!

  15. How beautiful! I will have an empty crib soon (sad!), but this would be a wonderful way to allow it to continue to serve a purpose in our home. Great, sweet idea!

  16. gorgeous and i love how creative you are

  17. Very pretty...happy 2nd time around Tuesday.

  18. no freaking way. you are some kind of super genius. love seeing creative projects like these :)

  19. I've loved all her projects and swoon every time she does something amazing like this! Great project!

  20. Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful I now have to go and see your re-done fireplace..I have already redone my bricks, but want a new type mantle -saw a glimpse of yours - THAT's to see if i can pull it off...thanks for sharing..

  21. That's FANTASTIC!!! What a great way to re-use something that holds such sweet memories. :)

    I love that footboard/corner bench, too. NEAT.

  22. Incredible!! I absolutely love it. Who would've thought?!?! :-)

  23. You truly are a genius! It's a gorgeous plate rack. I have an old crib in storage, too. Hmmmm.

  24. stopping in from strut your stuff. i am in love! we are so alike, nothing over 5 bucks is so fab!! love dumpster dive finds.

  25. Wonderful project. It truly needs a great mind with vision to see a plate rack in an old crib. Kudos to you!

  26. Amazing! I don't know what else I could say...that is amazing!

  27. That is a wonderful project. Thank you for posting such detailed photos!

  28. Absolutely a wonderful job, how creative, I love how it turned out.

  29. Brilliant and totally inspirational... although I'm way too much of a coward to even attempt something like that. With a little adjustments this could work great for a kids book display case too!

  30. Gail can't help but be amazing. Everything she touches turns into something incredible. I'm so glad she's being featured here!!

  31. That is amazing. You saw "that" in "that?" I am heading, no running over to your blog to check it out!

  32. What an awesome idea! And it turned out perfect.

    Thank you for participating in the Creative Therapy session at Life in the Pitts!

  33. Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday at Life As Lori. Please join me next week for another great party.

  34. She has some Great ideas! I love that headboard, I have one that I have been trying to figure out what I will do with. I'm heading over there now.

  35. I love the idea. You are so creative.

  36. Hello sweet Michelle - I'm popping over from The Inspired Room! What a great idea you had to repurpose the crib into a plate rack! It turned out fabulous. I love the little spindles - adds such personality! Your plates look amazing on it. Thank you for sharing!


  37. This is brilliant! You do amazing things with your makeovers. I love the plate rack. All my boys were raised in that very crib, but my husband won't let me turn it into a plate rack. I'll be on the lookout for another one needing repurposing.

  38. That is completely amazing! What a wonderful way to save your child's crib. A keepsake that lasts forever. I love it.

  39. Very cute, Gail!! I love me some repurposing!!

  40. Insanely awesome! I would have never guessed the components came from a crib! LOVE it! And I too adore the wall showing through. The darker tone really highlights those plates nicely.

    Thanks for linking it up to SNS!
    FJ Donna

  41. Amazing, truly amazing! I can't get enough of your stuff!

  42. Good Morning Gail, girl this is just awesome...WOW!! what insight you have my friend...who would have thunk...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  43. One of your best Gail! Incredible are awesome! :)

  44. Very clever repurposing! Great job!

  45. LOVe it! Good thinking, I would have never thought of it! Really, this is so cute! Thanks for linking up!

  46. Gail is my hero. Her DIY talent is awesome! Love the plate rack! :)


  47. THis is just to cool.i posted this on my blog,

  48. OMGosh...I have a spot in my breakfast room that this would be AWESOME. She did such a fabulous job. I am, as of this very minute, on the lookout for an olden crib.
    Thanks for having her over...!!
    xo bj

  49. Nice project. I would love it if you would link this up in Modern Craftswoman Monday. Very well done. Rory

  50. Gail does the coolest projects!
    Love her repurposed baby bed! I linked to it from my blog:) Hugs and Blessings! ~Cheryl

  51. I do love it too.. A beautiful plate holder out of 'garbage'. There are some plate rack ideas which can help too in your innovations, i hope. Try visiting

  52. You are absolutely amazing!! Can't get enough of your creativity out here in the country! Love your sense of humor too! Please keep up your awesome inspirations!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!