Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Whatever Goes Wednesday #12 (And A Fun Announcement)

Welcome to another Whatever Goes Wednesday!!! Happy Cinco De Mayo! Instead of having a Cinco De Mayo round-up, I am just inviting you to read about the party I threw for my neighbors last year HERE. No party this year! I am too busy!!! I hope all of you are having a party or eating some yummy Mexican food!

I cannot wait to see what you inspiring crafters come up with today!! Every week is another week of wonderment and amazing ideas. I love this party!!

Last weeks most viewed post goes to...drumroll.......
UNDER THE TABLE AND DREAMING!!! Congrats!! You win homemade Chick Fil-A nuggets made by...your husband!! Did you check out this awesome post?? Brandy may have licked the screen a time or two, but don't tell her husband, he might get mad!! And Michelle made these last week. They are DELISH!!!! I could eat them once a week with that yummy sauce!!! If you haven't made should be what is for dinner this next week sometime!!!

mmm....I am getting hungry now!!

I HAVE A NEW ANNOUNCEMENT! Each week I will be adding a blog tip to this party. The tip will usually be posted by Kim (the techy guru behind this blog). Her blog is 733 - A Creative Blog. I will tell you the tip on this in post and send you over to her blog where it is posted. This is a great way to learn the how-to's of blogging. Won't it be fun to do a little something special to your blog each week? I can't wait to see how your blog (and mine) improves!!!

This week's blog tip is: Creative Comments Title! Go HERE to read and see how to change the boring comment title to something more personable. I'm changing mine now!!!

Don't forget to check out the Giveaway Directory tomorrow! It amazes me how few people enter giveaways. This is your chance at free stuff! FYI, this link is only open for one day. If you are going to do a giveaway and want to feature it here, make sure you link it up sometime on Thursday.

I am SO EXCITED for this week's Categorically Crafting show on Friday. The theme is Mother's Day Gifts/Projects! Have you seen these floating around? I have and I want to see more. It's not too late to make something. The link will be open all week. Come back on Friday to see everyone's creativity.

You know what to do. Enter your project (up to 4 links), tip, idea, recipe, whatever. Visit others. Leave comments. Come back again in the next few days since more projects are added throughout the week. Let the fun begin! (I am sorry that I don't comment on every project linked up. I view every single one, but don't have 4 extra hours to make comments.)

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  1. Wow - so honored to be labeled the 'most viewed' here on SDC!! So excited! We just love the chicken nuggets and yes we can eat them at least once a week too! Thanks so much - I greatly appreciate it! Hope you are enjoying your week! Thanks again, Stephanie Lynn

  2. Oh boy - now I'm hungry!!

    Thanks so much for hosting this week! Have a fantastic day.

  3. Thank you for hosting Brandy!

  4. Thanks for hosting! Hope that adding you to my Blog Party Link Directory sends you lots of partiers! Rory

  5. Thanks for hosting another fun link party!! I can see there are so many fun ideas already! :)

  6. Thanks for the link party! I'm super excited for the blog tips! I'm new to the whole blog scene and could use all the help and advice I can get!

  7. Thanks for hosting again. I love thid party and I'm really late.


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!