Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Whatever Goes Wednesday #13

Welcome to another Whatever Goes Wednesday!!!

Today is a day of looking at A LOT of other blogs and projects (if my computer will just work)! How exciting!!! I love the inspiration I receive!

The project with the most views last week was this Anti-layer Tube Top from I am Mommy, Hear Me Roar! This is a great idea for people like me to dislike to layer, but are required to based on the styles of today (If we don't layer, then there would be some major modesty issues!!!) Who wants to wear extra layers in the summer? Not me. Go check out this easy and cheap solution to the layering problem HERE.

Blog Tip For The Week!

This week's blog tip is: How To Add Social Networking Buttons. Go HERE to read and see how add those fun little buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Feedburner and Mail like I have at the top of my blog!!!

Don't forget to check out the Giveaway Directory tomorrow! It amazes me how few people enter giveaways. This is your chance at free stuff! FYI, this link is only open for one day. If you are going to do a giveaway and want to feature it here, make sure you link it up sometime on Thursday.

I am SO EXCITED for this week's Categorically Crafting show on Friday. The theme is Twine/Jute. Have you seen these floating around? I have and I want to see more. It's not too late to make something. The link will be open all week. Come back on Friday to see everyone's creativity.

You know what to do. Enter your project (up to 4 links), tip, idea, recipe, whatever. Visit others. Leave comments. Come back again in the next few days since more projects are added throughout the week. Let the fun begin! (I am sorry that I don't comment on every project linked up. I view every single one, but don't have 4 extra hours to make comments.)

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  1. Thanks for hosting! I appreciate the tips on adding the buttons.

  2. Thank you for hosting! Iam your newest follower. I've linked up my project and am checking out some of the other fun ideas!
    Thanks again!

  3. Thanks for featuring the tube top! Also, I think the blog tips are a great idea. I'm excited to figure out how to do some new stuff. Thanks!

  4. hi! i'm your newest follower and i love your blog. thanks for the link party! i am pretty new to the serious blogging world so am hoping to learn how to make a button/host a link party myself! :)

  5. Thanks you for hosting this awesome party
    i love the blog tips,they they so useful.

    Thanks you so much for sharing

  6. OOOOO...I see some fun stuff! Can't wait to go blog hoppin';) Thanks for hosting another great party! I just linked my project up too. Have a happy day.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  7. I used to work at a store called Units...anyone remember them??? We sold Bands and cowls...that were used as belts and as layers...I wish I would have saved my collection! I need to add all of those darn buttons too! Thanks for the scoop!
    504 Main

  8. Thanks for hosting Michelle! Hope you are enjoying your week! =)


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!