Friday, August 27, 2010

Pencil Treats!

I recently got a job as a co-teacher at a Montessori!!! I am loving it so far. The best part about it is that my 2 kids can come with me!!!! What a dream! They are starting next week. I know school has probably started for most of your kids, but this is one of the cutest school ideas I have seen and I need to save it! There's still time for my kids to do it, but probably too late for most of you. Keep this one in mind for next year!Make a back to school pencil treat with rolos and a kiss.
See this brilliant idea at The Blackberry Vine!

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  1. Congrats on the job. My son started at Montessori 2 weeks ago (and he loves it too) :)

    This is a cute treat..I'm putting it in my idea file!

  2. Wow I love this idea! Unfortunately my babies are 25 and But I'll pass it on as a few of the ladies in my office are just getting started with kids in 1st grade.

    Congrats on the new job, sounds like a dream job!

  3. sounds like a fun job although I doubt I'd have the patience! and what a cute little idea! never would have though it was a pack of rolo's in there...

  4. Congrats on the job. I am hoping I can land a job at my kids' school when I go back to teaching. How ideal. Love the craft idea too! I was just swinging by to invite you to join us for our Spotlight Saturday Blog Hop. Link up your blog and another you'd like to spotlight this week. I hope you have a great weekend!



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