Friday, September 3, 2010

I'm Back!

Hi! I'm back online! I finished the post that I started last night when our internet crashed!
Welcome to the Toy room/Play room Categorically Crafting Show where you can show off the projects, ideas, traditions and tips you use for creating your toy rooms. Dig through your archives or link a recent post. Share your play rooms with us. Here are a few that I've found floating out there!

Daily Decorator has a variety of playrooms to view. This link is full of playroom eye candy. See dream playrooms HERE.

Under The Table and Dreaming makes me jealous of her little guy's play room. Look at those shelves (and that is only part of the room.) To be jealous with me, see the rest of this amazing play room HERE.

Her son has autism and she is in the process of creating an indoor sensory playroom. HERE is the beginning of it. If you have a child in the autism spectrum or has a sensory disorder, stay tuned to Under The Table and Dreaming.

Tip Junkie created a round-up on playrooms.

There are some really fun playroom ideas HERE.

I Am Momma, Hear Me Roar

has a playroom from heaven! What little kid wouldn't love all that she has done to this amazing space. So much to see!

Design Sponge has a ton of pictures of playrooms that you must look at if you are wanting to improve a current playroom or create a new one!

See a TON of ideas HERE.

Maybe you are like me and can't have a dream playroom like those above. Kensington Cottage created a playroom in a smaller unused attic space and the kids love it! Do you have an area like this that you can make a playroom?

Please join your crafty post if, and only if, it corresponds with the category and theme of Lamps. (If it doesn't fit in this category, please link it up to Whatever Goes Wednesday.) Link up crafts, decor, sewing projects, food, tips, etc, that has to do with Playroom. If you have joined a playroom project to a party on my blog before, feel free to add it to this show too! If you have a lot of mirror projects, please choose your favorites. (Please no more than 4 posts per blog). Link to the specific posts, not to your main blog page.
Let's see what you have created (either recently or in the past)!

You can paste the "Categorically Crafting" button onto your blog post. I would love to see these floating around so more people can post their themed projects. I will leave this linky post open until next CC Show. Keep checking back for more ideas!!!
The next 3 Categorically Crafting Shows are as follows:

September 10 - Boys

September 17 - Dollar Store Crafts

(If you haven't gone back to see last week's lamp show, you must see the rest of the ideas linked up throughout the week. They rock! See them HERE.)

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  1. That Playroom is amazing!!! So much fun!

  2. Michelle thanks you so much for the feature - You are truly awesome - I greatly appreciate it and your kind comments! Hope you are having a wonderful week. ~ Stephanie Lynn

  3. Michelle, thanks so much for featuring my little playhouse! I love all the different rooms you showed! I really wish I had a whole room I could dedicate for a playroom, but....maybe someday. I love your blog, I have been reading it for a while, but just realized that I wasn't actually a follower! Sorry about that, the situation has been fixed!!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!