Thursday, September 2, 2010

Spiderweb Doily

Although I am sad to see summer closing, I'm so glad that September is here. (It snowed on the mountaintops in my valley in Utah last week!) There are already such fun Halloween and fall decorations out there and I promised myself I wouldn't highlight them until September.
Look for many fall and Halloween ideas for the next two months!

Lipstick and Laundry made these fun spiderwebs out of doilies! I think this is the cutest and easiest spiderweb I have ever seen.
See this spiderweb doily and other great ideas!
Found via Dollarstore Crafts - an amazing blog you should visit.

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  1. That's SO funny! I thought I was already a follower of your blog... well, now I am! :)

    I'm hosting a blog party tomorrow over at Sassy Sites. It's Feature YOU Friday! Come by and link up! I would love to have your cute blog on there... xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  2. Great craft! I bet my boys would love that.

  3. That is too cute/funny... my kids would love it!

  4. What a great idea! I have a ton of doilies!


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