Friday, October 8, 2010

Disney Bucket Hat and Countdown Bunting

This Disney bucket hat and countdown bunting are from

Sugar Bee - Craft Edition!

I'm sure everyone has seen that amazing bucket hat from Sew Much Ado - looking at the tutorial it look relatively simple, so I thought I'd whip one up. I thought it'd be cute for Disneyworld. It is cute. But for some reason I didn't recall that my toddler doesn't wear hats. At all. Ugh. The picture above is where he stuck it on to show someone - he looks very proud of it - but then he whipped it off before I could get a non-blurry picture, let alone show off the other side. I'm still bringing it on our trip - you never know....
Here it is from the right angle:

Cute, right? The green fabric (decal and lining) is just a sheet from a garage sale, and I don't even know what project I used the brown on, but it was in my stash, so this project was a freebie. And it went together really easily. I did have a slight issue with the decal:

See that weird-looking bear thing on the right - that's my version of a Mickey head. I thought I could just wing-it, with a couple of circle items for templates. But obviously I couldn't. So I googled Mickey Head, printed off an image, and traced it. Then I just stitched it on to where I wanted it. I also added the year with my embroidery machine. Voila, one cheap - err, free - Disney souvenior.
Here's a better model, although I think he has a small head:

My son is almost 2 and the hat is size 2t-3t and it was a little big. I was say it's a solid 3t. But it's all about the noggin size of the kid - pictured above is a 5-year-old, and it seems to fit him fine. Once again, just follow the tutorial at Sew Much Ado.

I also made the boys some shirts - very plain - I didn't think my almost-8-year-old would appreciate anything all busied up with Disney. So I just ironed Heat-N-Bond (fusible webbing stuff) to a square of fabric, used the same template as the hat, and cut out a decal, then peeled the back off and ironed it on to a shirt on the pocket. I did not stitch these. So, Disney T-shirt, check. I think they were about $3-$4 each. In park, what, $20 a shirt?

Countdown Bunting:

Does it seem like buntings (those banner things) are all over? So with them on the brain, when I wanted to make a countdown to our family vacation, I immediately thought, countdown bunting.

So, how to make a Countdown Bunting?? easy - cut some shapes that are relevant (can you guess where we're headed??) and then cut/punch/use stickers to mark each shape with a number. Punch holes in them and string them up somewhere that is a hot-spot in your house. I hung ours over our computer desk which is in the eat-in area of our kitchen - the go-to hub for us. Voila, that's it. Rip one off each day and let the excitement build!!

Thanks for both of those great ideas! The hat and small Mickey head are perfect for tween and teen boys (and even Dads). Love the idea of countdown bunting. Visit Sugar Bee today to tell her thanks!

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  1. goodness, I used that tutorial to make my son a hat last spring, and he's already outgrown it, and he's only 10mnths old! (he has a large head, he wears a 3 yr old sz helmet when I ride my bike!)

  2. The mickey bunting count down is so cute! Great idea :)

  3. I love the bunting count down! I plan to do that for our next trip. Thanks for sharing all of these wonderful ideas!


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