Monday, July 1, 2013

Headboard Vinyl

A long time ago, like when Pinterest first started up, I saw an image of vinyl on a headboard. I could have sworn I pinned it, but I can't find it on my boards anywhere. Such is life. Anyway, since then, I've known that I wanted to do that on my own headboard in our master bedroom. However, we didn't have a real headboard until about a year ago. Yes, a year ago. I'm kind of slow sometimes :)
So here's how I (finally) put vinyl on my headboard!

I think the reason this project has taken me so long is because I've been indecisive about what design I actually wanted to put on. I've gone back and forth between flowers and some kind of pattern for a couple months now. I love the idea of flowers, but I thought that might be too matchy-matchy with our comforter. So then I'd start looking at the patterns and like one, but then I'd walk always for a few weeks and like flowers again. *sigh*
I finally decided on this design. It's called Moroccan Background, but I can't find it in the Silhouette Online Store anymore. I've had it for a while, which was the biggest draw for this one...because it's free and I'm cheap :)
To get this design to fill my space (approx. 19" wide), I had to replicate it and then put them side by side. I had to match them up off-center.
I then I had to cut off the top part and the bottom part where it was sticking up, to even it out and to get it down to 8" tall. I'm using the older Silhouette SD which only cuts up to about 9", but I find 8" is better for cutting without a mat. I only needed it to be about 19.25" wide, so some of the side got cut off too.

I wanted to do some for the footboard, but the vinyl got cut wrong the first time and I ran out of vinyl. I'm sure I'll finally get around to it in another year. ;)
After cutting the image, I sent it through my Silhouette. I'm using Orcal 631 from Expressions Vinyl in Maize. I needed two of these. After cutting, I began the tedious process of weeding the images and used my transfer paper to transfer the image to my headboard.

I'm not good enough to take a picture AND transfer the vinyl. :)
Voila! It was a little bit difficult to get it in just the right spot, but the transfer tape make it much easier to get lined up properly.

Since the Silhouette SD only cuts about 8.5" wide, the vinyl doesn't fill the whole panel. But it's enough that the pillows will cover the bottom.

Sorry for the blurry image. By the time I got these on the computer and realized it was blurry, the good lighting was gone.
I've got some more vinyling to do in our master bedroom, but I'm hesitant since I'm not sure if we'll be staying in this apartment or not.
I love my Silhouette machine. It can be intimidating, but I love using it. It's so convenient to be able to cut anything I want, any time I want.

Want to get your own? Then don't forget about the current Silhouette Promotion! Through July 10th you can use code "SOMEDAY" at checkout to get any of the following discounts. Go get your own machine!!
 There's also a giveaway going on through July 7th so go get entered!



  1. Looks awesome! I would never have thought about vinyl as a materials choice, but it totally works. We are actually in the process of giving our master bed a new headboard, too. So you're not the only one late to the cool headboard party! :)

  2. That came out so crisp and clean! It's beautiful!

  3. This is a fantastic idea. I am just learning to use my Cricut and I was so pleased to see all the projects you have done with vinyl. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Very neat idea! Thank you for linking up at Hickory Trail!


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