Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Favorite Things Giveaway Winner

Sorry this is so late in the day. I've had a pretty hectic day today and completely spaced posting the winner. Thanks to every one entered the giveaway for a box full of *MY* favorite things! It's now time to announce the winner of all these goodies... 
Congratulations to Lindsay St John!!
It was Lindsay's blog post comment entry that was our winning entry. Here's what she had to say:
What a great list of favorites, right?!
I'll be sending you an email shortly, Lindsay, so be sure to check your inbox! If you don't get it, you can also email me directly at somedaycrafts@gmail.com. We need to hear back from you within 48 hours in order to claim your prize!
Thanks again to all who entered! Don't forget that we're hosting a Date Night Giveaway with my bestie over at The Pink Lab. Go get entered!

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