Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How to Decorate Your Locker for Less

Decorating a school locker

It's back to school time and, as many of you may know, decorating the lockers at school is pretty popular now. I really had no idea. It's been years since I was in high school and we never did anything like this. My Litter has a great post about decorating a locker on a budget. You can get the same designer look without the designer price tag!


  1. Yep, decorating lockers is a big to-do at our middle schools. I'm so glad we're over that. I can't believe how much money people spend on that!

  2. The $107 to decorate a locker, that is way to much. My girls have never used their lockers for much other than dropping a book or two in it. This year the schools did something different because of the high number of students. They had to pair up and apply for a locker. Then pay a locker fee. Crazy. My girls have decorated theirs with a mirror and a few magnets in the past.

  3. Thanks for hosting! I think your "high low" comparison is super fun. Maybe you could do more of these?



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