Saturday, January 2, 2010


The giveaway for the My Tiny Sweet Cheeks' diaper cake is still going. Enter HERE.

If you are thinking about making a quiet book (or 2 or 3), or can be easily persuaded into making one, you MUST visit Making The World Cuter and see the two books she has made - one for a boy and one for a girl. These are amazing! See the books HERE.

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  1. Wow! These are awesome! I looked for years for
    Quiet Books. Now that my grandies have outgrown them, here you are. Oh, wait! I have a brand-new grandie! Thank you so much for posting about these.

    ~ Just Joany
    Red Wagon Flights

  2. Thanks so much for posting my pages! I'm glad you like them-and you have an awesome blog, what a great idea!

  3. those are so cute! i have 3 boys so i really like the boy themed quiet books.

  4. SOOOO cute! Love those books. Hope I'll get to make one ... someday ... ;-) Hopefully before my son is too old to play with them ...
    I left an award on my blog for you (Actually meant to give it to you already months ago.) Hope you enjoy it! I love all the inspiration I get from your blog.
    Have a great 2010!!!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!