Thursday, January 28, 2010

Incredible RANDOM Tutorials!

Crafters, STOP!!! There are too many dang cute ideas out there. I can't feature everything that I see! My "love" list has about 30 ideas on it! Here are just a few. More to come later! This is too stunning not to mention. Turn a plain sweater or shirt into an amazing wannabe tweed jacket by using this tutorial from Tea Rose Home. Click HERE.

Make an advent calendar for Valentine's Day! I could see this being for your husband or kids or both! See more HERE at The Sadleir's.
Here is a "different" take on the zipper flowers out there. I love the zipper petals. Find these HERE at Sweet Sumo's Stuff!
Make a fun valentine (or could be a spring) outfit for your daughter! See how to make the skirt and yo-yo flowers on At Second Street. Go HERE.

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  1. Thanks for the feature. You're right there are way too many ideas out there. Thanks for the service you do, I don't have to spend all day online.

  2. These are so great!! I love Sachiko's-she's so amazing!!

  3. These are so fun! I am going to steal that sweater for my favorite friday post! It is seriously darling! Thanks for sharing so many cute ideas! And if you have a sec - stop by my blog and check out my giveaway - it ends tonight so you have to hurry over! I am just one more "craft blog" to add to the mix! hahaha!

  4. Thanks for the feature! It's true; there are way too many good ideas going on out there right now! (I'm still working on my other project - I'll let you know how it ends up!)

  5. I see what you mean!! There isn't enough time in the day to do all the amazing things out there. I guess this will teach us that we can't do everything, and to chose our activities wisely.


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!