Friday, January 1, 2010

Taking Down the Christmas Decorations

Is this the last year for that delapidated artificial tree? Or have you seen one discarded on the side of the road or at the thrift store on sale? Don't throw them away yet!!! Learn how to create a festive snowflake out the branches HERE. There are a few other ideas on this post.
OR With left over (or discounted ornaments), make a square wreath from your artificial tree. Go HERE. Both ideas are from Remodelaholic.

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  1. How cute, crafty and creative!

    Happy New Year! Happy New Decade!

  2. Super idea! I love this blog and its compilation of fantastic tutorials!!

    Happy New Year!

  3. Aren't those just the cutest? I don't have a tree to dismember this year, but might next year!

    Our decorations are coming down this weekend, as well. Sadness! Luckily, due to my overall lack of organizational skills, the Christmas boxes are still sitting in the living room!


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