Saturday, January 16, 2010

To-Die-For Ruffly Shirt Remake

Check out this ruffly shirt refashion from Tea Rose Home. Isn't it to die for? The turtorial makes it look so easy. Go HERE now.

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  1. Oh, I love these. I'm just afraid my girlfriends might be too big to wear something like this, lol!

  2. Oh I love that! I want to make one, I'm just so afraid I'd mess up.

  3. That's gorgeous! I'll have to swing by and see how she did it. Love it!

  4. Super cute and feminine. I'm gonna go check out the tutorial. Thanks for always posting links to tutorials you find by the way. It's how I find 80% of the ideas that I do!

  5. Hi Michelle, thank you so much for featuring my turorial! I love when I feel like I created something useful for many people. This shirt is easier to do than you think, give it a try! :)

  6. I am in love with this!!!!! Thanks for the link!

    Brandy @ Home Sweet Home

  7. oh - this is a MUST for as soon as I get the 'other stuff' done. ;) Although, I think I'll be placing this picture up in several places around the house as inspiration to 'get to work' so I can 'get to the fun'!


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