Saturday, January 30, 2010

Toilet Paper Roll Art (Updated)

Here is a different toilet paper roll art piece found at Homemade Mamas. Isn't is gorgeous? Go HERE.
Save those toilet paper and paper towels rolls so you can create masterpieces with them. This beautiful toilet paper roll art is on a fireplace mantle. I could see something like this on a wall or in a frame. This great idea was found at The How-To Gal. Go HERE to see it.

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  1. Thank you, thank you for the feature!!!

  2. If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed it :)

  3. What a genius idea! It looks very high end...and it's TP rolls. Love it!

  4. I never thought I would say this, but man that toilet paper is cute! ;)

  5. I can't believe it!! When i saw "toilet paper art", I thought of something the kids would do, but this is so amazing!!


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