Sunday, January 10, 2010

What's your daughter wearing for Valentine's?

Don't forget to enter the Lil Blue Boo pattern giveaway HERE.

With Valentine's only a month away, you need to start dressing your daughter in red and pink hearts, right? Well, only if you want to! Here's two quick ideas! Make a fun felt Valentine's bracelet to adorn the wrists! Created by Treasures For Tots. Go HERE. If your really ambitious, give them away for Valentine's to your daughter's friends!!!
Some cute Valentine material would make a fabulous twirly skirt. See this one at For What It's Worth! Go HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Love the bracelet! I think my daughter and I will be making her one and some for her friends :)
    BTW, I just bought those pants that your cutie has on for my girly on clearance for $1! Hooray for Target :)


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