Thursday, January 21, 2010

Will You Be My Valentine?

What kind of Valentine's are you giving out this year? What kind are your kids giving? If you are looking for some homemade ideas, below are a few!!!
How about making a pixie stick valentine? I love these straight sugar treats. See how at Creative Itch. Go HERE.

Use only one stick of gum for this adorable valentine found at Creative Itch. Go HERE for the perfect size valentine! (If you like paper crafting, Creative Itch is a great resource. Add it to your reader.)

Using a box of conversation hearts, write a steamy (or silly) letter to someone special. This could be really fun!!! See how Out of the Crayon Box did one HERE.

Make a valentine using a scrap-papered clothespin. See how HERE at Brown Paper Packages.
If you want to put a little romance in your valentines/marriage/relationship, check out Love, Actually. It is a very fun blog. HERE are some ideas for valentines they have. I love the bath bomb idea!

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  1. You totally Just Saved me! Valentines day is always a hard one, but I think I am set :) so excited to make some of these! SA-WeeeTT!!!

  2. Thanks SO much for the link!! so funny...I am totally in the process of making a conversation hearts letter thinking it was an original idea... :( "Out of the crayon box" beat me to it! Oh well, I'll do one anyway! Glad to see someone else is as silly as me! hehe.. Thanks again!

  3. Michelle,

    Thanks for featuring my ideas!! (And for the plug!). You're too sweet!


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