Friday, February 19, 2010

Frost Spray Painted Door

I always want my laundry room door closed (because of the mess inside) even though it has a lot of light coming in from the windows. This would be a perfect door for me. Let's light through, but you can't see the pile of clothes waiting to be washed or sorted. Of course, you could use frosted spray paint on any door, window or glass.
Check out All Thingz Related to see how this was done. Go HERE.

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  1. The laundry frosted glass looks wonderful..I really like it.

  2. Sigh. Someday maybe I'll actually *have* a door to a real laundry room. Right now it's my washer and dryer next to my minivan. In the garage. :0)

  3. That looks great! We've been meaning to put a door up to hide our laundry room (read: mess!) and this is definitely a great idea. I have to show my hubby!

  4. I have a door just like this that is being stored in the garage. If it is the same size, I will frost the glass and then put it in the laubdry room.

    Talk to you soon ;)
    Bunny Jean


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