Sunday, February 21, 2010

Guest Blogger - Fireflies and Jellybeans - Shower Curtain Beach Bag!

Don't forget to enter the Bits Of Ivory giveaway for $15.00 credit to use how you want. Go HERE.
Hello Someday Crafters! I am so excited to be guest posting on Someday Crafts today! Michelle has some fun ideas! : )
Let me introduce myself!
I am Fawnda from Fireflies and Jellybeans a little DIY blog that I co-author with my best friend Jeannine.
I am a mom to a 2 year old son (Who is the joy of my life!) I am a part time math tutor for High School math and I LOVE to create!
I love sewing, paper crafts, re-purposing and generally anything crafty!

We have lots of fun things going on at Fireflies and Jellybeans. On Thursday we all get together and show off our stuff at the:

I am also having a Felt-House-Along! I am showing everyone how I made a felt play house! It is not too late to join! Just click on the button!

We also have many great tutorials for you to try! Here are some of my favorites!

Repurposed Romper into long sleeve shirts

Kids Art Smock

Today I have a great project for you! I was inspired by my friend who is going to Mexico on Spring Break... and since I am looking forward to warmer weather I thought other might be too! So I am going to show you how to turn this

Shower Curtain into....

...this beach bag!

Here is what you will need:

Shower Curtain

Coordinating fabric (12''X16'') for the pocket

Sewing machine w/sewing accessories (thread, scissors... etc...)

Make sure your shower curtain has the top that has the whole for the rings!

1. Make a pattern for you bag. Use a scrap piece of fabric of a big piece of paper to make you pattern. I wanted my bag to have a rounded bottom so I folded my fabric in half and cut out what I wanted half the bag to look like.

This is what it looks like unfolded. It is 26 inches wide and 20 inches tall. You can make yours how every big you want it!

2.) Fold your shower curtain in half with the ring holes on the top and place you pattern on top of it. (You need 2 pieces of the patten for the 2 sides of the bag.)

Pin your pattern to the shower curtain.

Cut out the pattern pieces. I cut mine out at the same time (that is why I folded it in half)

3.) You should have PLENTY of fabric left for you straps! Cut out two rectangles that are 36" X 3"

For the pocket you can use coordinating fabric like i did or you could use the left over shower curtain too!

Cut out a rectangle that is 12" X 16"
4.) Now we are going to iron! Iron the ends and the sided of your straps to the wrong side of the fabric.

then fold in half and iron... now you should have all finished edges!

Fold the pocket in half so that you have a 12" X 8" rectangle with WRONG sides together.

5.) Now, sew the straps! Sew along the open side of the strap to finish it off!
Put the straps aside for a little bit.

6. Now we are going to sew the pocket! Sew the 3 open sides of the pock leaving a 3-4 inch opening to flip it right side out.

Flip the right side out and iron the edges and fold the opening inside... we will sew that part closed when we sew it onto the bag.

Pen your pocket on you bag where you want it to be placed.

Top sew around the three sides of the pockets leaving the top open.

6. Now, sew the bag together! Pin the pieces RIGHT sides together and sew around the edge with a 1/2" seam allowance

Use a zig-zag stitch to help it not fray as much or if you are lucky enough to have a surger, use that! :)

Flip your bag right side out! Almost done! : )

7.) Here is one of the coolest parts of the bag! Attaching the straps!

Thread the strap through one of the ring holes and tie an knot to keep it in place. Repeat on the other side! HOW COOL IS THAT! I love it!

All done!

Fill it with towels and sand toys and anything you would need at the beach!

Here is what else is cool about it... You can use the ring holes to attach other things like your keys (with a carabiner clip) or your sunglasses. You could use a ribbon to tie things to it too!

I hope you enjoys this tutorial! Come on over and check us out at Fireflies and Jellybeans . We have many more fun projects! Especially join us if you want to make a felt playhouse.

Thanks, Fawnda. What a great idea! Heavy duty fabric with holes already sewn for straps and KEYS!!! Love it! I love that spring and summer are coming too! I am also loving the felt playhouse sew-along! I definitely will be stopping by for some instruction! Fireflies and Jellybeans has some amazing ideas. Go be inspired by their blog! If you love what they make, become a follower!

Linking to: Funky Junk - Saturday Nite Special, Tatertots and Jello - Weekend Round-up

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  1. You are too creative! I need to learn to sew...

    Hope you'll drop by AtticMag this week to see my home on tour,

  2. This is very cute! It would make a great gym/yoga bag, too! Love it - thanks for sharing! :)

  3. Great step by step instructions - great use for that shower curtain fabric - there are so many wonderful ones out there!!!

  4. Very cool!! There's so much yardage in a shower curtain!

    I linked to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:


  5. What a great idea! I love it and really want to make one, thanks!
    Keeping It Simple

  6. That's a great idea. Even if we only have glass doors on our showers, I can still go thrifting and find something to use! ;)

  7. ICI, ilneige encore.Merci de nous faire rever de soleil et de plage!

  8. Great site! Thanks for visiting my blog and welcome back anytime :)

  9. Very cool idea! We are always using a beach bag all through out the summer. Not always for the beach but, for picnics and other outdoor events.

  10. It's perfect for the beach! Great bag & tute!

    Thank you so much for linking up with the Talented Tuesday link party at My Frugal Family, which is hosted every Tuesday. Please feel free to stop back in every week and post your newest projects!

  11. What a great tutorial!! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Wow, this is a great idea! Thanks for the pictures and tutorial!

  14. I love this idea. I wish I had a sewing machine!

  15. how creative!!! now to figure out how to use my sewing machine! ;)

  16. I love so many things about this project. The beach is one of my favorite places in the world. And a cute beach bag is expensive. So I will definitely be making myself one of these!

    Thank you for linking up to A Little Craft Therapy at Life in the Pitts!

  17. What a great idea! I love how your key ring clip works out perfectly!

  18. This is amazing! Has everything you need and super cute! Just what I like!

  19. I heat Fawnda! Great idea using a shower curtain!

  20. Great idea. These are common and cheap at yard sales! Using the premade holes is brilliant!

  21. That is so awesome- you inspire me ;) I have a shower curtain I just put outside for our yardsale, and now I am going to dig it out for this project :) thanks so much for sharing this!

  22. That is really darling. I love it!

    Thanks for linking it up to my party!!!



Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!