Friday, February 19, 2010

I SPY/Where's Waldo Valentine's Book

Don't forget to enter the Bits Of Ivory giveaway for $15.00 in stor credit. Go HERE.
What do you do with your kids' used Valentine's?

My daughter received a bunch from pre-school and they both got a bunch from friends. My son was carrying around the Winnie-the-Pooh valentine and my daughter really loved the Cars one. Should I just throw them away? Or let them junk up the house!

"No! I'll make something fun for the kids," I thought.

They really enjoy Where's Waldo books with all the little people to look at and the treasures to find. So I thought I would make an I-Spy/Where's Waldo type book out of their Valentine's!

First, I gathered up all the Valentine's.

Then I cut the words off of each Valentine. I also cut out five 6X6 pieces of cardstock. While I was doing this, my kids insisted on fingerpainting and using water colors:) I decided there were Valentine's my kids (ages 3.5 and 19 months) wouldn't appreciate like Jonas brothers, Twilight and Hannah Montana. Those went in the recycle can with the cut-out valentine words!

Next I pieced together the valentines onto the cardstock trying to make them all fit with as little empty spaces as possible.
When I liked the placement, I got the lovely Mod Podge out and glued the valentines into place. In the empty spaces, I cut out little pictures from Oriental Trading catalog, grocery ads and magazines and glued them on. Some of the pictures overlapped an edge so I trimmed around the edges making it into a square. After the glue dried, my kids had something new to keep them busy!

My kids LOVE their new "toy." Before I could put it in a book, they grabbed the pages and started playing "Find This." Here they are telling each other what to find while sitting on one of our play boxes! Baby was there to help them find it!

The next day, I put the pages in a little 6x6 scrapbook. Once again, they resumed "Find This." The reason both their tongues are hanging out is because they think they are dogs. Some days, they don't want to act like people. (I'll have to post the dog bones I sewed for them another day.) Does anyone know how to get Blogger to turn this picture the correct way? There you have it! A little I Spy/Where's Waldo-type book with their favorite characters for an hour of entertainment. Perfect for church or quiet time. Great to develop skills of looking for details and scanning. Just the right thing for my kids. I plan to add to this book and make it more than 5 pages long!!!

Linking to WATF - Works for Me Wednesday, Blue Cricket - Show and Tell, Thrifty Home -Pinching Pennies, ISVC-Celebrate the Holidays, Creations by Kara - Look What I Made , Life In the Pitts - Craft Therapy


  1. How cute is this!?!!! I really enjoyed viewing your photo share and crafts. Sweet kids.

    TIGERS for my Show n Tell

  2. I adore this idea! How neat to make your own I Spy books! I have about a million of them lying around the house and I have found every extra object and every Waldo in them. I was actually planning to decorate my bathroom with I Spy things to give ya something to do while taking care of business. I love the idea of making these on your own!

  3. Great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a great idea! I'm guilty of letting all those cards lie around for months because my kids liked them. This is a much better solution! Thanks so much for linking up to Finished for Friday!

  5. This is a great idea! And your kids are so cute.

  6. Love the idea! I think to turn the picture is has to be turned as your saved file BEFORE you post it. If this was already done then I have no idea. I've never heard of blogger turning a horizontal photo vertical just because.

  7. I so wish I had seen this before I chucked all the Valentines!! such a great idea.

  8. What a great idea! I saved my children's Valentines. I will have to use them to make an I Spy book for my pre-school classroom.

  9. Oh my gosh, I was so caught up with how CUTE your kids are!!! The valentine craft is a good idea too (and I'm glad to see kids still like to play with empty boxes!)

  10. I love this idea! It makes me want to hit the clearance racks for valentines to make my own since I don't have any kiddos to collect them!

  11. What a fun idea. Old Valentines are the death of me! Way to turn them into something fun and not quite as messy:)

  12. This is such a great idea! What a neat way to upcycle!

  13. Wonderfully creative! I always hate throwing cards away, so here is another neat use for them.

  14. OMgosh, they are too cute! Very creative idea!

    I hope you'll stop by AtticMag this week to see the tour of my home,

  15. Very cute and creative idea... my granddaughter would love playing with those!

  16. What a fun idea! Too bad I have already thrown them all away :S

  17. Great idea!! You never let me down. When I visit your site you always give me a great laugh or a great idea!

  18. This is such a great to reuse those! And SO much better than a ton of little papers kicking around the house forever!

    I am so glad you stopped by to join our little the party, I hope to see you there again! We have them every Friday. (And we are now doing a recipe link up on Wednesday!)

    Cassity @ Remodelaholic

  19. Fantastic idea! We are down to just 1 child getting massive amounts of store bought valentine's now, but there were times when all 3 got them.

    Thank you so much for linking up with the Talented Tuesday link party at My Frugal Family, which is hosted every Tuesday. Please feel free to stop back in every week and post your newest projects!

  20. Cute idea and it keeps them busy!

  21. What a great idea! Thank you for sharing!

    To fix your picture, save it again as a .png file instead of a jpeg. Then upload it to the post again. That has always worked for me.

  22. adorable! We're gonna have to try this. Now, let me go find those valentines....

  23. Thank you for linking this up too! I love that picture of your kids sticking out their tongues.

  24. That is cute! Great Project. Would love to have you link up at Trendy Treehouse for our Creative Share WED.

  25. what a great idea, these would be perfect for keeping the kiddos quiet in church! Great idea!

  26. Great idea! Thanks so much for linking up at Craft schooling Sunday, hope to see you again this week!
    all the best, Sara/

  27. Such a great idea! I would love one of those for church!

    Thanks for linking this up. I love it!


  28. My kids are so getting these!

  29. Great idea! I'll be featuring you at my Penny Pinching Party tomorrow, so stop by and grab an "I Was Featured" button if you like.


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!