Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Not-So-Spicy Spicy Dice

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As certain holidays are approaching, I often ask my friends what gift they are giving their husbands (Valentine's, Christmas, birthdays, etc.) Recently, one of my friends responded by saying she got her husband some "spicy dice" for Valentine's Day!

"What is that?" was my reply.

She proceeded to show me these three little dice with eight sides. As she explained what they were and as I read the words on the dice, I turned a bright color of red. Yes, I blushed!!! I learned about these types of "games" after the age of 25. A little naive? Absolutely!

"Michelle, you have been married over 5 years. This shouldn't embarrass you anymore," she responded to my change of color and uncomfortable laugh.

"Yes! I have been married that long and I do have 2 kids, but still....that is just too "spicy" and 'kinky' for me!"

I thought about this disturbing little present that evening. Most men would LOVE a present like that, but women like me are terrified by the thought of "spicy dice." (I was the one who would tear up at MY bridal showers if anyone made comments about 'you know what.') I came up with a compromise to give to my husband - inspired by "spicy dice."

Introduce "NOT-SO-SPICY SPICY DICE." The toned-down version that I can tolerate (thought it is still quite a stretch for me.) My husband will die laughing when I give them to him because this will not be expected. I'm not a romantic person! Poor guy. He probably will think it is a joke! Those out there who know me will probably be shocked that I am going to do this, but I am (working up the courage.) I can't believe I am actually blogging about this too!

On one dice is a body part (none of which I would blush to say out loud to my children). One dice has an action (which makes me squirm just a little) and one has a room in the house. I left a "your choice" side on all three so he could make up his own idea. (Breathe deep. I can do this.) I was told by my friend, you shake the three (or two if you don't want to "play" the different room aspect) and do what the dice says. Sounds to me (I'm talking myself into believing this.) So I might have to give him a back massage in the bathroom. OR kiss his legs in the laundry room. Or nibble his arms in the kitchen. Does this sound romantic to you?

My husband deserves to have a Valentine's present he might like. I'm not great at giving him "romantic" gifts. Isn't this what Valentine's is supposed to be about? So this year will be a first! It will be fun to hear his laugh!

Here is how I made my "Not-so-spicy spicy dice." Sorry about the blurry, dark pictures. My camera is mediocre at best!

First, buy little wood blocks from your craft store. Mine are about 3/4"x 3/4". They should be already sanded and smooth. Paint all the edges the color you want them.

Next, print the words you want for your 3 die on "romantic" scrapbook paper leaving enough room to cute out squares to basically cover the wood die. I used different fonts for the different die so I made sure to glue all the body parts on the body parts, etc. dice.

Using a decoupage medium (Mod Podge), glue the papers on all six sides of each dice.

Let it dry overnight. Using a sanding block or file, sand off the edges of the paper that over hang. (How do you take pictures with one hand while doing something that requires two hands?)

Then dab the paint over the very edge of the paper to give it a distressed look.

Mod Podge the blocks one more time to seal the paper and paint and let it dry! You have your toned down version of "NOT-SO-SPICY SPICY DICE." Discreet enough to hold in your hand or hide in a drawer.

There! I have blogged about it and survived. Let's hope I can survive giving this present to him. ARE ANY OF YOU LIKE ME? I need reassurance, please!

If you don't want to make any "NOT-SO-SPICY SPICY DICE", you can buy them in my etsy shop HERE.

What are you giving your husband for Valentine's Day?

Linking to WATF - Works for Me Wednesday, Blue Cricket - Show and Tell, Thrifty Home -Pinching Pennies, ISVC-Celebrate the Holidays, Creations by Kara - Look What I Made

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  1. This makes me smile because, YES, I can relate! My husband actually gave me some "spicy dice" for Valentines a couple years ago ("a gift for you for me", ya know?) and I'm certain I didn't even look at all the sides, let alone use them! Hope your hubby loves them- no doubt he will!! Very cute idea to make it more personal :) TFS

  2. Great idea. As a Christmas present this year I made a scratch-off ticket (using a tute you linked to!) with 26 different sexy ideas underneath to spice up (re-start?) our sex life. Working well so far, hope yours does too!

    (Going anonymous for this comment!)

  3. This is so adorable! I'm right there with you too! I get embarrassed easily over stuff like SEX, lol! This is cute for a lot of ideas too!

  4. Yup, you're not alone! Your post has made me giggle like crazy this morning.

    I struggle with being "a prude" as my friends have put it in the past. After 13 years of marriage I am finally starting to feel more comfortable with it, but let's just say I'm glad I can make my own dice (or buy them online) because I certainly wouldn't be visiting any store that sells them! :)

    BTW, as a gamer my husband would LOVE these. LOL! And, I think your blog is wonderful, I've been visiting for a couple weeks now and am really thankful you're collecting all the good stuff for me - otherwise I'd miss SO MUCH!

  5. Visiting from Gina at The Shabby Chic Cottage. Have to say I love this idea--whether the dice are spicy or not. I bought some of the spicy variety a few years back and, while we haven't used them much, they always bring a smile when I run across them in the drawer. I've been married almost 34 years and, believe me, it pays to keep things "interesting".

  6. Haha- this is funny! I don't get embarrassed over this kind of thing. I love giving gifts like this at Bridal Showers and think this would be so perfect! I love that I can make them myself and safe some $.

  7. I like the toned down version too! (And I have been married for 11 years!) My hubby would laugh too but deep down he would love it! cute idea!

  8. haha this is so funny. what an adorable idea. i know my BF would L-O-V-E these. if you can find me a man who wouldnt i would fall over.

    valentines day is so tough for guys, what an inexpensive way to make it special!

  9. What a cute idea. I'm the same way. I try to do something like this and then get all embarrassed and yes I’ve been married for over 5 years. I like your version a lot. I’m sure your husband will love it!


  10. This is great! I too get a little embarrased with this kind of thing. My friend got me some 'spicy dice' and we haven't used them yet because I'm too nervous! We've been married for 2 1/2 years but I still think there are some things that are too 'out there' for even married couples. PLUS- what if someone EVER saw them?!?!?!

    Every time I thought about using them I thought to myself... I'm gonna roll these dice and the clouds are going to open and Jesus Christ Himself is gonna come down and slap my mouth! I'm that nervous! ;)

  11. Michelle, you are too cute!! I love this idea! It would be great with food on each side, to decide what's for dinner, hehe! :o)
    P.S. I'm a preacher's wife, and I have the "spicy dice"! I think they're hilarious!

  12. Ok I am going to take a deep breath and make these. I think my husband will be pleasantly surprised with this as a romantic gift :)

  13. ok this post was hilarious! and then to read all the comments... Oh my word! too funny. I love the Not-so-spicy version you made up. too funny!

  14. girl, you have MY reassurance! this is such a fun idea, and yes, i was laughing too :)

  15. Nope, you aren't alone and if my hubby gave me the spicy dice I'd love it but would wonder where my real hubby went. He really isn't much into things like this as I am.

  16. Standing "O"!!
    Go Michelle! I LOVE that idea! I know th edice you are talking about and ti would embarrass my husband. LOL! I need me some less spicy like yours. LOVE IT! So very creative! Thanks for sharing today. Thank you also for linking up to Thrifty Thursday!
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  17. Shh don't let my hubby see this....LOL

    Thanks for joining "Get your Craft on Thurs." I hope you can join me next week.

  18. Definitely a great gift that he'll appreciate for the effort!

  19. This is a great hubby Valentine's Day gift-and I'm married 32 years! Its fun and silly!!

  20. How funny! He will love them!

  21. LOL so cute! I had never heard of these either. Amazing that I managed to have these 3 kids somehow.

  22. What did you put on yours? I think I might try this...I've been trying to think of something and I'd also like the kinky version too. Just to see which is to my liking. LOL alarsen[@]homespun-threads [dot] com

  23. You crack me up about blushing over these. It sounds fun, any husband would love this gift.

  24. Aww I think he will like them!

  25. Love them! I just might make these for my man too, but I'll go ahead and do the spicy version. I'm not embarrassed easily! LOL Gonna be fun! Thanks for the idea!
    Baby I'm On my Way

  26. What a cute idea! My husband would be so happy! I love that for Valentines Day. I might have to make up a set!!

    Thanks for linking up!!!


  27. I. am. dying. This post just killed me!! What a very fun gift!

  28. ha ha ha! I am like you, the thought of even the not so spicy spicy dice would have me dying of embarrassment! My hubs would love it though! you are pretty dang brave my friend! Thanks for sharing!

  29. Your post was too sweet! Your husband will love them, (and you too!!)

  30. Sounds like a mega winner with any red blooded American male! :-) Spicy indeed! :-) He'll love you forever.

  31. Love these--and so would my hubby. Thanks for sharing! I hope you continue to link up your great ideas!

  32. What a great idea! I almost bought spicy dice one year. On my way to the register, I thought of what would happen if they got mixed in with Yahtzee dice, and how much therapy for my kids would cost. Thanks for a great alternative!

  33. They are darling. What a fun gift to give your hubby, something unexpected that will be great for him. I like the not so spicy version.

  34. It brings me comfort to know others out there are a bit apprehensive about giving this gift. It is CUTE and I know my husband would love them and probably would prefer the original version but that is not happening! Thanks for the ideas~

  35. Every year my husband and I make Valentine's Day gifts for each other. This is perfect, thank you!

  36. Hey Michelle,
    These are awesome!! Thanks for sharing :)
    PS you are one busy woman these days, huh? Blog is doing awesome! way to go!

  37. I think I'm going to blush a little when I give my hubby his valentine card. I blushed while I was making it but when I saw it on someone else's blog I thought it was soooo cute I couldn't pass it up. Check it out:
    Maybe he'll be lucky this year and he'll also get the the not so spicy dice too. I still have time to make them.

  38. I don't know what to get my husband but I don't think he'd like these. They're cute though :D I think I'd buy them just to have them.

  39. How did he like them? So fun!

    Thank you so much for stopping by the Talented Tuesday at My Frugal Family link party, and adding this to the page! Don’t forget to stop back tomorrow to see which links from last week are featured, and to add your new links!

  40. Haha! My husband would love a gift like this...and also probably think it was a joke gift coming from me. ;) Actually, at first, before reading the details, I thought they were chore dice for the husband...for example...they roll the dice, then do that chore..."laundry"...haha! :) You mentioned your camera being only mediocre...does it have different settings? If so, is there a setting on there with a little flower or something like that...that setting is for close ups and might help focus for close up shots for pics like these. :) Thanks for all the wonderful posts to really neat ideas. Your blog is fun!

  41. I love this idea! I linked you on my blog. I hope you don't mind!

  42. This is ADORABLE! I know it's way past Valentine's, but I'm TOTALLY making them! (Just found it through a Remodelaholics Anonymous Post.)

    Also, for your camera blurs:
    I have a photographer friend who gives me tips sometimes and the only one I remember is that for close ups of small items, it's better to go farther away and then zoom in so you can use your flash without washing them out.

  43. I am with you. I actually just wrote up some ideas for "not-so-spicy" spicy dice and I was blushing! In my living room, all by myself . . . soooo not spicy and I'm still blushing! I've never done anything like this before but since I need an uber budget friendly Valentine's gift for my sweetie this year, I'm gonna suck it up and make these. Thanks for the idea! {*still blushing profusely!*}


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!