Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Personalized Stamps for Signing Valentine's

My 3-yr-old daughter goes to pre-school a few days a week for some fun and learning. She brought home a Valentine list the other day. She needed to have 17 Valentines for distribution. She's a smart little cookie, but writing is not her strength. She gets tired after writing her name once. How was she supposed to sign her name 17 times? This does not include Valentines for our neighbors and church friends!!!

"I wish I had a stamp for your name," I thought.

Then, a past idea I had seen somewhere in blogland hit me. Make a personalized stamp from an eraser. The heavens had answered!!! (Ok, that might be a stretch.)

I got the longest eraser from my stash of Valentine's supplies I have been putting in my kids Valentine's mailboxes. Here it is!

I turned it over to the back and wrote my daughter's name backwards. Actually, I did it on a piece of paper first to make sure I did it correctly and then I copied it. (Thanks blogger for turning my photo sideways again!!!)
Using an utility knife (or an exacto knife), I cut out the eraser where I had written the letters. I made two little incisions around each letter and scooped out the middle. This is tricky!!! DO NOT LET YOUR KID DO THIS PART!!! It takes time and definitely doesn't look perfect. When the letters are cut out, rub it on a stamp pad and stamp on!!!!

There!!! My daughter (who IS my little sidekick like her shirt says) actually enjoyed signing her Valentine's. I am going to keep this eraser for the next couple of years. It will come in very handy!!!!
This idea can be used for making any kind of stamp- not just name stamps!!!

Linking to SLS-Toot Your Horn, ASPTL - DIY Day, Reinvented-Trash to Treasure, TCB-Get Your Craft On, Three or More, 2nd Time Around, Talented Tuesday

post signature


  1. What a cool idea! I'll definitely be using this one!

  2. LOVE IT! And we have a Cadence too! Not a popular name for buying things that are readily available already personalized. :)

  3. Your daughter is such a cutie! I love your blog title. I posted yesterday about some of my someday crafts and love that I'm not the only one who has those projects just waiting for when we have time!

  4. Oh that's a neat idea! Your daughter is adorable!

    Works for Me: http://www.mandys-treasurecove.com/2010/02/microsoft-one-note.html

  5. That is so stinkin' cute. I love that idea. I had to have my son start signing his Valentines about 2 weeks early so that he only had to do a couple a day,he also gets frustrated while writing. Thanks for the great idea.

  6. that is a neat idea and would work with a lot of things....

    Gill in Canada

  7. That's a fantastic way to make a stamp!! Thanks for the tip! My littlers will love this.

  8. That girl is model material. Seriously.

  9. I would have never have thought of that. Great idea!!!

  10. Brilliant--we will be making one of these afterschool!

  11. Ingenious!!!!!! BC it gets hard for a small child to personally sign 2o cards! Good for you.
    Thanks for linking up to Tales from Bloggeritaville.

    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  12. I wish I would have thought of that when my daughter was youner...

    Thanks for joining me for another great party at "Get Your Craft on Thurs." Please join me next week for another wonderful party..

    Please stop by for a big annoucement Tuesday, the 16th. I'm so excited I'm about to bust...

  13. Man, I needed one of these last night when my two boys were complaining of writers cramp. I love this idea. Thanks again for a fabulous idea!
    Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite

  14. This is such a great idea! I am featuring it in the Kid Friendly section of my Valentines post today.

    Thank you for linking up!

  15. What a cute little girl! Did you know you can get a double x-acto knife? They sell them so you can make your own stencils. Probably just as easy to do it the way you did though. Such a clever idea. Thanks for linking up to Finished for Friday!

  16. That's a great idea. My poor little girl's hands were so worn out after signing her name so much. I wish I would have seen this last week! :) Love it!

  17. thats a great idea. and that Candace loves it makes it even better.

  18. Hi, coming over from Jen's. I love that idea...so cute!

  19. That is such a good idea. I need to do that with my kids!

    Thanks so much for linking up to my party!!!


  20. Aww, how fun for your daughter! Nice.

  21. Fun! My little ones love writing their names, but they'd love their own stamps, too!

    ~ Sarah

  22. When I was in sales I had to sign about 100 invoices a day, I got a rubber stamp made with my signature. It cost me about $15 to have it custom made, (that was years ago). If I had read your blog first, I could have just made my own.

    Great post.

  23. This is a terrific idea -- brilliant! And your little girl is just darling -- what a gorgeous child.

  24. Love it! Come link your cute tute at my party: Thursday's Treasures!!

  25. Fun! Very cute. Thanks for sharing with Made it Monday! Jules

  26. These are so fun! I have been trying to become a more crafty person lately and these are so adorable. I love the idea of being able to make your own kids stamps or any other kind of stamp! It is also so fun that they can be personalized and made differently for each kid or person. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I always like to know what you think of the projects I highlight!