Saturday, February 13, 2010

Spoons and Fork Chandelier!

If I could only find one of these antique broom holders, I would make this funky chandelier with spoons and forks. I found this at Its The Little Things. What else could you use instead of a broom holder?
GO HERE to see the up close pictures and the price something like this would cost at Anthro!

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  1. Cute idea! My mom ownes an antique broom holder...maybe she won't notice if it disappears.

  2. I love this idea. Not sure what else you could use, (hanging flower pot?) but this is adorable.

  3. How about a lamp shade? I was at the peddler's mall earlier today and saw something that would be perfect for this! it was a wire basket.

  4. Lamp shade frame is what I thought too. And after seeing the expensive store bought one I thought several same shaped frames in graduated sizes. You can rip the beat up fabric or paper off old frames, just make sure they have the midrib supports and are not just a top and bottom circle (which would still be possible I guess, just more complicated.

  5. So glad others like my crazy idea! :) I think a lamp shade or wire basket would be really cool...and there are so many size and shapes of frames. Let me know if you make one...would love to see your version! :)
    Julie @

  6. Very nice! I love the antique broomholder. I saw the edge of a chandelier in a magazine article about a restaurant and loved it, so I made one of my own. The picture had a metal ring which I couldn't find, so I used a metal casserole holder base. It was silver and ornate but already had 26 holes in the design. My husband drilled holes in Salvation Army and secondhand flatware for me (hint: the thinner the better)and I used split key rings to secure the flatware to the ring. Suspended it above the patio table. No light in it (may put candles) but it works as a wind chime of sorts and looks chandelier like out there. I love it!

  7. Really a great post, Thanks for sharing this with us.


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