Sunday, February 7, 2010

Valentine's Paper Crafts

I hope this kick-butt card isn't too shocking to anyone. I laughed when I saw it! How funny! While it was originally made by Polka Dot Thought for a bachelorette party, I think you could make it for Valentine's to go along with your Not-So-Spicy Spicy Dice for the man in your life. Go HERE to see how it was created.
If you want to stamp flowers for Valentine's (or any other occasion), but don't own stamps, NO PROBLEM! Visit Sweet Pea to learn how to stamp using cardboard! This is such a fun idea (especially for those with kids who like to do projects.) Go HERE.
Last week, my kids, the two kids I babysit and I made Valentine's mailboxes. I've been putting special suprises in them each day. However, the mailboxes are sadly falling over and falling apart because I just winged it. No template, no idea! HERE are directions for making mailbox that will stand up and function as a mailbox for more than a few minutes. Thanks to Simply Modern Mom.

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  1. The card is great! =] I've made them with sugar cookies. Then just pipe all the lingerie designs you want on them!

  2. Very cute! Love that "undies" card! LOL

  3. I totally laughed out loud when I saw the thumbnail pic in my reader. Too cute for a lingerie shower!

  4. Thanks for the feature! The card is hilarious, fun to make and even better to see the reactions it brings!! Love the idea of making it with sugar cookies Bobbi--terrific!

  5. Those are so cute! LOL!

    I made an easy & cheap Valentine's banner the other day, if you want to check it out!

  6. Oh my goodness, that card is awesome! I am definately going to make one for my hubby for v-day, thanks for sharing!


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