Monday, June 28, 2010

Egg Carton Decor

I didn't believe this when I saw it, but that beautiful piece of art is made from.....egg cartons! It is so neat how it was made. You must go HERE to see the tutorial. I'm saving my egg cartons now for something besides caterpillars:) See this idea at Simpsonized Crafts!

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  1. I saw on another site, which I can't remember for the life of me, "fairy lights" made using egg cartons as well! Who would have known you could do so much! Thanks for this awesome post! Another idea to add to my list. :)

  2. I love your site and it makes my day when I see you feature one of my projects. Thanks! :)

  3. That is so cool! I went over to see how it was done and it looks pretty easy. I might have this be a kids summer project!

  4. I am so amazed at the creativity out there ... Audra...totally sweet idea!!!!! Who woulda known egg cartons could make that!!!!

  5. What the? That is so dang creative. Love it!

  6. Thanks Ladies! :)

    And Someday Cafts team, They were! All thanks to you!. Thank you again!!! :)

  7. I just hope I'm not a "one hit wonder" lol


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