Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rainbow Birthday

My kids' birthdays are coming up soon. Parties are on my mind. I love all the details to this colorful rainbow party. I'm Topsy Turvy threw a great party for her daughter. See ALL the details (including how to make the rainbow tablecloth, buttefly garland, rainbow pom poms, rainbow cake, etc.) for the rainbow birthday party HERE.

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  1. I love those big tissue pom poms and that table skirt is just too cute!

  2. Thank you so much Michelle! I always get this THRILL when someone features me! I'm so glad you liked it! (and if you need a cake for your upcoming birthday's I'd HAPPILY drive you one up just to say thanks and see you again!)

  3. How beautiful! Heck, I'll be 45 this year and I'd love to have this as my party theme! LOL
    Peace & Love,

  4. If you´d like to see here are all of my boy´s brithday parties:
    Love so much your blog!!!

  5. That is the cutest doggone thing ever.


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