Monday, June 7, 2010

Solve That Crack Problem!

If you have the space between your pants and underwear problem (thus exposing your crack or back), visit I am Momma, Hear Me Roar for a quick easy fix. I'm sure this would work for your kids (and husband's) too.


  1. Thanks for linking this, Michelle. Hopefully we can save the world crack by crack :)

  2. How funny? I was working on my chicken coop this morn. and had that very same problem!!!! Each time I bent over I had to hoist 'em up. what a pain in the "you know what"! :)

  3. As a lady who has a curvy figure, IE tiny waist, bigger bum, if my pants fit in the hips/butt I always had a gapping waist. This is a perfect solution.


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